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Content Warnings: Clamps, Nipple Play, Clit Play, Teasing, Multiple Orgasms, Squirting, Pet Play, Breath Play, Lactation, Vibrators, Fucking Machines, Dildos.

When Rose stumbled back into the land of the living, she found herself safely ensconced in the warmth of her soulmate’s bare arms. She poked Harry’s bicep, marveling at the hardness that greeted her. The man was like wine, aging in the most beautiful of ways. The hard muscles, the sun-kissed skin crisscrossed with faint white scars, the hint of gray in his stubble… she didn’t know if it was the effect of the bond or just her preference in men showing itself, but she needed Harry Potter to fuck her.

Now, her brain demanded.

“What’re you doing?”

Rose flushed at the amused chuckle. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled, pulling her hand away.

“Don’t be, Miss Weasley.” His voice was huskier, carrying in it a hint of desire and need that had not been present previously. Her eyes were instinctively drawn to the fireplace, the warm brown orbs studying the letter being turned to ash in the roaring fire.

She suddenly realized why she wasn’t an anxious wreck. His calmness enveloped her mind, steadying her in a way that would have been simply impossible on her own.

He was broadcasting a simple message through their connection, its simplicity only serving to make it all the more consequential.

She was claimed. She was his.

No single revelation had ever made her as happy as that irrevocable truth.

“You opened the letter,” she rasped, shifting to bury her face in his firm chest. “Sealed the bond?”

“I did,” Harry confirmed, running a hand through her frizzy red hair.

“You sound like you regret it,” she whispered. She didn’t need him to say it out loud. She could feel the tempest raging in his mind even as he tried to hide it from her.

“I don’t. Merlin, Rosie, I don’t regret it for a second. This is the best night of my life,” Harry said. Her fears were quenched by both the conviction in his voice and that in his mind. He wanted her. Oh, she could easily sense his hunger and desire. He made no effort to hide them.

“I’m just worried about your father.”


Harry chuckled. “Are you really going to make me say it out loud? Very well, princess. Your father is my best friend and I doubt he’ll like the fact that I want to do some rather depraved things to his daughter every day for the rest of our lives. And what if this doesn’t work out? I’ll lose my soulmate and my best friend in a single stroke.”

“And what if it does?” she asked softly, her lips closing around his brown areola. Her tongue gently flicked the tiny nub, grinning at the surprised hiss her actions elicited. “What if I’m your happily ever after, daddy?” Her eyes flickered to the leather band on the nightstand, the girl trying her best to suppress her instinctive anger. The other woman was of no consequence. Her collar would join the letter in the fire. Rose Weasley would have her own collar made, and once collared, would never have to take it off.

She grabbed his hand, gently placing it on her creamy throat, “What if the thing you’ve been missing all your life is coming home to me?” she rasped, her breath hitching at the gentle squeeze. It was only strong enough to make her labor for every breath, but even that gentle pressure was enough to turn her pussy into a faucet, her arousal dripping down her thighs in thick strings. “You said so yourself. You were simply filling a void all these years,” she urged, gently humping his thigh. It provided her with the barest of pressures, but for her aching pussy, even that much was enough.

For now.

She ignored her father for the time being. Thinking about him was the easiest way to ruin the night. Her mother would understand. She had always understood her in a way that her father failed to.

Rational thinking wasn’t one of Ronald Weasley’s virtues. She doubted he would understand that her daddy had about as much agency in how their relationship had started as she did.

Sometimes, if two people were made for each other, everything else became secondary.

Love is not just blind, it’s just a bloody moron, she thought, groaning quietly at the gentle tug on her still-clamped nipples.

“I can feel you thinking, you know?” Harry murmured, slowly twisting the chain that connected the clamps attached to her nipples and clit. “It’s a shame we can’t actually read each other’s minds.”

“A-ah! Daddy!” Rose instinctively arched her back to relieve the sudden pressure on her stinging nipples. There was no reducing the pressure on her throbbing clit, however, and the sudden stinging of her poor nub caused a trickle of arousal to leak out of her and dribble down onto his bare thigh. “Best this way,” she gasped, head dropping down to his shoulder. “My head’s a mess.”

“Mine isn’t any better. I had a piece of Voldemort living in it, you know?” Harry whispered. “What’re you thinking about?”

“You,” Rose answered honestly. Lying was a futile effort, and she wasn’t particularly eager for another go on the spanking horse.

“What about me?”

“That’s you’re a hard man, with some hard desires. That you have a whip in this room and you’re not afraid to use it on me. My mind is open to you, H-Harry.” She used his first name for the first time since they had entered the room, feeling particularly bold. “All your life you’ve put the world first and now you need someone at home who puts you first,” Rose whispered. “W-who gives up…” she struggled to breathe, his hold on her throat slowly tightening. His thumb was caressing the pulse point in her neck, and while the thought that her life was literally in his hands being scary wasn’t surprising, it astonished her how much it aroused her. “Control,” she rasped. “Who loves and cares. Who sees the…” her eyelids drooped, her chest heaving with every breath she took. “Damage. Who wants to heal with a gentle touch and a hard… f-f-fuck,” she stuttered, still finding it difficult to be coarse, even in her hyper-aroused state.

Harry's chuckle caused her cheeks to burn. He squeezed to the point where she could barely breathe and despite the fear clouding her mind (which she knew he could sense), she didn’t try to fight him. She simply gave him a lazy smile, letting him know she trusted him, perhaps even more than she trusted herself.

The pressure suddenly disappeared and she sucked in a lungful of air, coughing violently. “I… I’m sorry,” she whispered, her voice hoarse. Harry’s hand was rubbing her bare back soothingly, helping her return to her normal rhythm.

“You did much better than most beginners, my little cow,” Harry replied, without a hint of shame or remorse. His voice was instead laced with desire, and the dark edge to it caused her heart to hammer in her chest. “I was surprised you didn’t pass out.”

“D-did you want me to?” Rose asked shyly as he grabbed her hips, slowly turning her around on his lap. Soon, she was facing the fireplace, her back resting against his chest.

“No. I’d have stopped at the first sign of that happening. That’s not something I’d do unless I knew you were okay with it first,” Harry replied frankly.

The care in his voice and his willingness to put her comfort before his pleasure made her grin. “You called me your little cow,” she asked softly, a satisfied smile on her face. “Is that what you want me to be?”

“If you like the idea, and only if you can manage both that and being my princess. If I had to choose, I’d rather you be my princess.” His finger gently caressed her wet slit.

“F-fuck!” She bucked her hips, desperately trying to capture his finger between the slick petals that guarded her womanhood. “I can do both!”

An amused pat on her needy cunt was the only reward for her efforts.

Harry leaned forward, pulling his wand out of his back pocket and casting a wordless summoning charm.

“Putting your wand in your back pocket is dangerous, sir,” Rose giggled, delirious with excitement. Everything was moving fast, too fast, but she had no desire to slow down. They had the rest of their lives for that.

“Blow your ass off,” Rose mumbled, watching him summon a small egg-shaped toy. She didn’t need to ask him what it was. She’s discovered a similar one secreted away in the top drawer of her mother’s nightstand and could make a very good guess as to its purpose. “You don’t want to blow your ass off. You want to blow my ass off,” she teased, giggling quietly.

“Do I, now?” He sounded amused. He locked his legs around her ankles, roughly pulling her legs apart. She hissed at the blast of cool air hitting her sore pussy.

“Wasn’t that what you were trying to do on the spanking horse?” she asked, batting her eyelashes innocently.

“Darling, by the end of the week, your nightly maintenance spanking will be harder than that.” Harry waved his wand again, causing a contraption unlike anything she had ever seen before to lumber toward them. It was a small table that reached up to her waist, with an attached rod that shot out and was capped by a magnificent black, thickly-veined dildo.

It wasn’t the largest she’d seen in the room. It wasn’t even as big as Harry’s cock. But the foreboding machine still made her breath hitch.

“What’s that?” Rose murmured, his cheekiness evaporating.

“A fucking machine. The potion I’m about to give you works best the more you orgasm. All those hormones flooding your system make it that much more effective,” Harry explained, waving his wand a third and final time to summon two small vials of potions to his waiting hand.

The first was bright green, and she had seen Dominique take it enough times to know exactly what it was. “Birth Control,” she mumbled, knowing that despite her fantasies, it was a sensible decision. Neither of them was ready for parenthood. “What’s the other one for?” she asked, her eyes studying the dull yellow liquid.

“You want to be my cow, don’t you? What use is having a cow for a pet that won’t give me milk?”

Rose flushed, her eyes flitting down to her heavy breasts. She was curvy like most Weasley women, sporting a pair of firm D cups and an ass that had been the envy of all her friends.

“Is that okay?”

Rose nodded, glad that he cared enough to take her opinion into account before every relationship decision. What he had in mind wasn’t something they did and forgot the next morning. She’d be living with it for the rest of her life, a prospect that was oddly satisfying.

I bet none of the others could give him this, she thought, tilting her head up to let him administer the potions.

The birth control potion tasted as vile as Dominique had described, but the other one was surprisingly sweet and left behind a warmth that soothed her irritated throat.

“And the machine?” Rose asked, eyeing the table nervously. It had maneuvered itself between their spread legs, lining up the dildo with her needy womanhood perfectly.

“For the aforementioned orgasms,” Harry murmured, wrapping an arm around her waist. His ankles locked around hers prevented her from shutting her legs. She was effectively immobile, trapped on his lap, and completely at his mercy.

“I’m a virgin, sir,” she reminded him, a shiver running down her spine as the massive silicone cock inched ever closer to her pussy.

“It will be gentle. The dildo is smaller than I am.”

There was no arguing that. The monster poking her bum had a good two inches on the toy and was considerably thicker.

“W-we… oh!” She gasped as the tip slowly split her lips, pushing into her slick, tight pussy. “You have to… to make love… Merlin!” She keened, her hips bucking involuntarily. It only served to push the dildo deeper inside her, causing her to moan. “For the bond.”

“The bond is sealed. Do you feel the madness eating away at your brain anymore?”

Rose shook her head, groaning quietly when he unclamped her throbbing clit.

“All my life I’ve lived by someone else’s rules. The Ministry tells me I must sleep with my soulmate after the bond is sealed. I ask why?” His fingers gently rubbed her stinging clit, reducing her to a babbling mess. Tears streamed down her face, her poor brain overwhelmed with the sensations flooding her body. Pain, pleasure, frustration. She no longer knew which was which. “In this room the only rules that matter are mine. And I say I’ll only fuck my pet after she has earned it. Tell me, Miss Weasley, have you earned my cock?”

Rose shook her head again, too overwhelmed to actually speak. Her lips were parted in a low, continuous moan, the dildo pushing inside her aching womanhood slowly but steadily. Her walls clamped down around its veined shaft, trying to milk it for cum that it simply could not provide.

Only her master could give her that, and it was a privilege to be earned, not a right to be demanded. She understood that now.

She felt the tip of the dildo push up against the curtain that guarded her flower but it would push no further.

“Are you sure?”

She took a minute to gather her thoughts, reluctantly pulling herself free from the blissful sea of subspace her mind was floating in. “Y-yes,” she rasped, taking his hand and placing it over her heart. “I’m yours, sir.”

Harry nodded and moved his hand to her lips, his fingers pushing inside her mouth to stifle her inevitable scream. She began to suck on the digits without prompting, lavishing attention on them and worshiping them with her tongue.

Harry meanwhile, picked up the bullet vibrator and flicked it to its highest setting, wordlessly pressing the buzzing toy against her sore clit.

“DHADDY!” she shrieked, her legs flailing at the sudden assault on the sensitive bundle of her nerves. The vibrator stayed against her clit even when he pulled his hand away from it, aloft with magic and slowly moving in a circle as it massaged her happy button.

She was back again in subspace, floating without a care in the world. She didn’t get long to enjoy the newfound pleasure, however, as the rod shuddered to life and slowly pulled the dildo out of her stretched pussy. She could only watch with wide brown eyes as it then thrust forward, burying the thick toy inside her hot, wet sheath and taking her virginity in a single thrust.

Her brain dimly registered the dull ache radiating through her core and the tiny trickle of blood-stained arousal dripping out of her, and it took her several more minutes to realize it was her loud scream echoing around the room, and that her master was looking at her, waiting for permission to proceed.

She nodded, moaning helplessly around the fingers stuffed in her mouth.

“Medium,” Harry ordered, tightening his hold around her slender waist. While he had promised to be gentle, he had no intention of going easy on her.

“Mhedium… AH!” Rose moaned as the dildo pulled out of her despite her fluttering walls’ best efforts to clamp down on it, before pushing back inside, setting a slow but persistent pace. “MHASTER, please!” She thrashed at the sudden tug on the clamps attached to her nipples, her hands scrambling to wrap around her soulmate’s arms. His hand had moved away from her waist allowing her some degree of movement. But the only direction she could move in was forward, which only caused the unfeeling dildo to bury itself deeper in her belly.

“Bhe ghood! I PHROMISHE!” Rose screamed, her second orgasm of the night rocking through her quivering body. The dildo kept fucking her unfeelingly, thrusting through the walls desperately clamping down around it.

“I’m going to hold you to that promise, Miss Weasley.” His voice was cold, completely unrecognizable to the man she was so fond of. It was firm, in complete control of the situation and her. “For starters, you’ll spend tomorrow cleaning up the mess you’re making. Without magic.”

She slowly opened her eyes as the wave of her orgasm receded, taking the momentary reprieve to study her body. Her pink lips were glossy, coated with her own drool and stretched around the fingers he had pushed inside her mouth. Her saliva was leaking out of the corners of her mouth, dribbling down to her chin and subsequently dripping onto her breasts. Harry was gathering up these dollops with his fingers, playfully massaging them into her own creamy skin.

Her lower half was no better. She had squirted again (she had never had it happen while masturbating, so naturally she blamed her master), coating the shiny metal rod and the black dildo with her cum. Their thighs and the sheets below them were similarly stained. She was a mess. He had made her a mess, and he was enjoying it.

Harry lazily unclamped her right nipple, flicking her flushed peak. She squealed, shuddering at the nearly unbearable stinging as blood rushed back to her teat.

“If your tongue stops worshiping my fingers, Miss Granger, I will ask the machine to go faster and deeper,” Harry growled, slowly unclamping her other nipple. Rose’s panicked eyes moved to the dildo tirelessly pistoning in and out of her. She could already sense her third orgasm building and every thrust of the machine was felt deep in her belly.

A small, very small part of her wanted to disobey. Just to give her daddy a taste of what he could expect once she had settled into her new role.

In the end, she decided obedience was the better part of valor and attacked the two calloused digits occupying her mouth with her tongue, ignoring the tightening coil in her lower abdomen in favor of worshiping her soulmate’s body.

“Can you speak?”

Rose shook her head weakly but decided on a different course of action to please him. She had been fucked beyond speech, but that didn’t matter. She could do something better.

Her chocolate brown eyes flickered up to look at Harry, and she let out a quiet ‘moo’.

Her lips curled into a smile at the immediate reaction to the sound. Harry groaned quietly, his rock-hard shaft twitching against her soft bum. His free hand cupped her breast, gently kneading the soft flesh. Her breasts felt heavier than normal, and an unfamiliar warmth was spreading through her chest.

Harry squeezed. Her eyes widened. “MHOOO,” she squealed pitifully. It was as if the floodgates had been opened, and all the pressure building in her chest shifted to her nipple and just when she thought she couldn’t bear it anymore, a dribble of thick yellowish liquid leaked out of her teat, splashing to the floor.

Her brain shut down at the onset of her second orgasm, her body collapsing against his. The room was silent with the exception of her weak moans and moos, her body lacking the strength to do anything.

Her vision was darkening and she passed out just as her orgasm hit its peak. Her womanhood kept gushing, the dildo that had brought her such pleasure completely drenched and dripping with her cum.

“Stop,” Harry ordered quietly. He took a second to study his beautiful mate, taking in the sight of what they had created together. “You’re so beautiful like this,” he whispered, although she could not hear him.

He picked up his wand, gently waving it to prompt the machine to pull out of her and withdraw. She stirred in his arms and whined quietly, gently turning so she could burrow deeper into his warmth.

He got to his feet with great reluctance, cradling Rose in his arms as he turned and started to get her settled in bed.

Once settled, he covered her body with a blanket and kissed her sweaty forehead before waving his hand to blow out most of the candles in the room.

“Guess it’s a cold shower for me,” Harry murmured once he was out in the hallway, gazing down at his throbbing manhood.


A very Happy New Year to everyone! I thought we'd start things off right, with a sizzling update to this story. The best part? The adventures of Harry and Rose are only just getting started. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and a major thanks to all who requested that I include toys! Gee, I wonder how sore Rose will be when she wakes up after that particular pounding. The next updates will be to Undercover and The Power He Knows Not, both will be published on Tuesday.



Need more of this


Goddamn. That is all.


Well, that escalated quickly! Fun chapter, and i look forward to seeing how everyone will react to them bonding. I do think that Rose was spot on with her fathers reaction.