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Content Warnings: Harry/Lavender/Parvati Short Story, Rough, Pet play, Stockings, Collars, Lactation, Breeding, Teasing,

“You might want to sit down for this.” She hadn’t quite known how to bring up the topic she wanted to discuss, or whether it was even wise to bring it up. A wise person would have let sleeping dogs lie, but Lavender Brown had never been a wise person.

Her next few words and the reaction of the people in front of her would determine the direction her life would take. It would either be the start of something new and absolutely wonderful, or it would lead to the disintegration of her oldest friendship and leave her more alone than ever. She didn’t know which outcome was more terrifying.

“Okay.” The messy-haired man smiled, pulling the chair behind his desk and sitting down on it, his green eyes studying her intently.

There is danger hidden in those eyes.

They drew her in, calling out to her like a siren song, promising her the world if she let them ensnare her. And here she was, about to willingly walk into the trap. His soulmate, wife, pet, and so much more move to sit on the edge of the desk, before turning to study her best friend.

Harry Potter and Parvati Patil made the perfect couple.

Will they even have room for me?

She’d never know if she didn’t ask.

She could see their bemusement at her hesitation, for she was acting quite unlike herself. It didn’t help that they had evidently returned from some Ministry function or another, and the only thing sexier than Harry’s perfectly tailored tuxedo was her best friend in her shimmering blue ballgown, a perfectly shaped leg poking through a tasteful slit in the dress.

“Why is this so hard?” she mumbled under her breath.

Because, the voice in her head helpfully piped up, we’re going to ask them to keep us as their pet. Not quite the same as playfully pinching his arse, is it?

Lavender Brown had happily and willingly steered clear of matters of the heart all her life. But the ache and intense longing in her would no longer be denied.

“Lav. Did you cause another international incident you need us to smooth over?” The playful smile on Parvati’s face did something to her.

Fuck me, I’m beyond redemption.

Best then, to crack on and let them know why she was in their study at five past ten on a Friday instead of getting hammered, fucked, or both. “I haven’t. Not that I know of at least.”

“Are you here to drag us to that dreadful club again?” Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

“No. I’m here with a proposition. Well, a request. A request proposition, you can say,” Lavender said, walking over to the drinks globe and pouring herself a glass of firewhiskey. She needed some liquid courage before she could go any further.

“We’re all ears darling. Whatever it is, I’m sure neither Harry nor I will say no,” Parvati said reaching out to take his hand.

“You might want to hear me out first,” Lavender warned, carrying the glass to the desk. She pulled a chair, flopping down on it. She avoided their eyes, studying the amber liquid inside the crystal as she nursed the glass. Taking another sip, she said, “I have been giving something a great deal of thought for some time now.”


“Parv,” Lavender shot back nervously.

“The last time you said something similar, you convinced me to fuck Cormac Mclaggen.”

“The last time I gave something a great deal of thought, I set you up with your soulmate,” Lavender retorted. “I feel like those two things should cancel each other out.”

“Fair point. So what’s your proposal, Lavender?” Harry asked, gently squeezing his wife’s hand. One of their now commonplace signals. It still astounded her that the two were able to have entire conversations in public without anyone noticing.

“I want to join you,” Lavender started, raising the glass in her hand and draining the remaining liquid in a single gulp. The burning and the immediate buzz that hit her fortified her courage, and she continued, “Both of you need to promise me not to interrupt me until I finish.”

“We promise,” they said in unison before he squeezed her hand again.

The blatant show of utter love and devotion for each other was quite nauseating, really.

Isn’t that what we’re here to ask for? The voice in her head asked.

She was.

“I’m lonely. There’s this stupid hole inside me that I keep trying to fill, and no matter what or who I shove in it, it just won’t go away,” Lavender said, taking a deep breath. She leaned back in the chair, finally looking up at her best friends. “The only times I feel whole is when I’m around you two. And the two of you are the only people I trust to help me lead the kind of lifestyle I want, which just strengthens my desire to be with you. I’ve tried everything, literally everything before it came to this, but nothing worked.” She was frantic, trying to convey her desperation in a way that they’d understand, all while convincing herself not to panic at the impassive expressions on their faces. “Look, it's just an idle thought. I know the two of you lead a… different sort of life, so I thought you’d be open to it. Won’t know if I don’t ask, right? But if this is something that weirds you out, we can forget this conversation ever happened and go back to how things were. I’m not ready to lose the two most important people in my life over this.” She looked at them, willing them to say something, anything.

The two simply exchanged glances before Harry reached out to take her free hand. “Yes.”

“Yes?” Lavender asked, her heart in her throat. Had they misunderstood the question? Did they maybe think she wanted to move in with them like she had the time the pipe in her apartment had burst?

“Lav, you won’t be the first time we have a third person in bed with us,” Parvati said with a smile, climbing off the desk. She moved to sit on one of the arms of the chair, pulling her into a hug. “But you will be the first, and only one I’d be willing to share my husband with outside the bed. What’s mine is yours, right poppet?” She asked, using her nickname for Lavender from their school days.

“When we came up with that pledge, we had things like lipsticks and the odd dress in mind love, not soulmates,” Lavender whispered, but melted into the hug. Any other time, she’d be amused by the juxtaposition of their dynamics. Every single outsider would have presumed her to be much kinkier than them, but this would be the first time she’d be with more than one person. This would be the first time she’d be shared.

The thought of it sent shivers down her spine. “You’re okay with it Harry?”

“Lavender, the only person who’s touched my arse more than you is my wife. In my mind, we’re already in some weird quasi-relationship,” Harry joked, his easy smile immediately setting her at ease. She watched him get up from the chair and walk over to the drinks globe, pouring out a glass of firewhiskey for himself and Parvati. “The lifestyle is something we’d have to talk about.”

“If it’s something both of us are comfortable with, we’ll happily take part. If only one of us is, then that person will. If neither of us is… is it non-negotiable, poppet?” Parvati asked, gratefully accepting the glass from Harry.

“Not really. Its rainbow sprinkles on what is already a nice donut. Great, but not essential,” Lavender murmured, surprised with the ease with which they were taking it all.

Never judge a book by its cover, right?

Just because they were notoriously reserved in public, didn’t mean they weren’t kinky fucks in bed. And judging by the complete nonchalance with which they treated her desire to join them in bed, they were kinky.

She wondered just how kinky.

Well, her next request would answer that question as well.

“I want to be a pet. The entire lifestyle, not just the cute ears and nicknames.” The idea had intrigued her for a very long time, but the level of power she’d be handing to her potential partner or partners meant it wasn’t something she had let herself indulge in till now.

“That’s all?” Harry asked, leaning against the desk, exchanging another look with his wife who gently ran a hand through her hair.

Lavender blushed. She had played through every scenario she could think of in her head, but it hadn’t even occurred to her that her friends might be far kinkier than she presumed. The tone of Harry’s voice made it seem like her request was a normal, everyday occurrence for them.

And here I am, acting like it’s as big a deal as me asking them for their firstborn.

“You’re a pet too, right?” Lavender asked, looking up at her best friend. She could see her day collar dangling from her neck, the thin golden necklace hosting a single golden ring. It was obvious when one who knew them stopped to really think about it and she suddenly felt very foolish for not seeing it sooner. She blushed, turning her face to hide it in Parvati’s arm.

“I am collared, but I’m not a pet, no. I’m a full-time brat, and I have the bruises to prove it poppet,” Parvati teased, and from the corner of her eye, she could see her extend her leg. She grinned as she watched it travel up Harry’s leg, pushing between his thighs before it came to rest on his crotch. “Why don’t you take our dearest poppet upstairs husband?” she cooed, “and I will join you two after disconnecting the floo so we’re not disturbed by unwanted visitors during the weekend.”


He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought of having their best friend in bed with them. It wasn’t the first time a third person would be joining them, but taking a look back at the quiet blonde as he led her up the steps of Grimmauld Place to their bedroom, he had a sneaking suspicion she would be the last. She’d been a part of their relationship from the very beginning, it made sense for them to take the final step and cement her place in it.

“You can tell us to stop the minute you have second thoughts,” Harry said, glancing back at the unusually quiet girl again. The fact that the usually bombastic girl had stayed silent the entire walk to the bedroom worried him.

Not making a single joke about my ass isn’t quite like her.

“I don’t. I mean, I’m not having second thoughts. Just… thinking.”

“About?” Harry asked, opening the door and leading her inside.

“What’s going to happen I guess? I don’t want to ruin things between us.”

“Is that what you’re worried about? Lav, nothing will ruin things between us,” Harry whispered, bending to kiss her cheek. “You’re our best friend, and not even a night of the most horrible sex imaginable will change that,” he said softly, reaching out to cup her cheeks. “Besides, I’m pretty sure my wife has kicked me out of bed on more than one occasion because she wanted to spend time with you, so if there’s anyone who should be worried here, it should be me,” he teased, his emerald eyes twinkling.

“Our morning chats are a very important part of the day Harry,” Lavender replied with a small smile, a small measure of her usual attitude returning.

“Not matter what happens tonight, or this weekend, I promise you Lav, you’ll always have a place in our life,” Harry whispered, trying to take the small satchel she had kept clutched to her side the entire night.

“Uhm, I just need to take something from it,” Lavender said, her cheeks turning a dark shade of red.

“What’s in the bag?” He asked, watching curiously as she turned away from him slightly, rummaging inside it. She quickly pulled out a small vial before zipping it shut, but made no move to put it down or hand it over to him.

“Things,” she said, her blush deepening.

“Things?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Look, I knew the two of you were kinky. I just thought it was regular kinky and not ‘your totally bonkers request won’t faze us kinky’.” She sighed, reluctantly pulling off the satchel from her shoulder and handing it to him. “So, on the off chance that the two of you agreed to my request, I thought it best to be prepared. Now, of course, I feel silly, because you probably own everything in that bag. Might even be the tamest things you own.”

“We don’t own this particular variety, no,” Harry said, looking into the bag. “Parvati is a kitten through and through.”

“Obviously,” Lavender said her hold around the vial in her hand tightening.

“What’d you take out?”

“I wasn’t quite sure if you’d be comfortable with this, so I was just going to empty it in the sink,” she replied, turning her hand to reveal the small vial on her palm.

“Lav. Are you sure?” As regular customers of George’s more ‘adult’ offshoot of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, he knew exactly what the green potion was.

“How- At this point I shouldn’t be surprised you know what this is, should I?”

“No,” Harry replied with a chuckle, “you shouldn’t. I’m not uncomfortable with it if you want to go that far, Lav.”

“What about Parv?”

“What about me?”

“Lav wants to know if you’d be comfortable with her using this,” Harry answered, holding up the vial in his hand.

“She wants to be our pet, doesn’t she, husband dearest?” Parvati took the vial from his hand, uncorking it and pushing it against Lavender’s lips. “It would be unfair to deny her the whole experience.”

Lavender looked at him with big blue eyes, then turned to look at her best friend before nodding. She emptied the contents of the small bottle with a gulp.

“I can’t believe I just did that,” she whispered.

“Don’t worry love,” Parvati whispered, bending to kiss her cheek. “I’m going to change into something more comfortable, then I’ll join you, alright?”

“Mhm,” Lavender whispered, still sounding dazed.

Parvati squeezed Lavender’s hand, before handing the vial back to him and leaving with a kiss on his cheek.

“You’ll be okay,” Harry whispered, letting the bag in his hand drop to the floor. It had to be a daunting prospect, taking that particular potion. He was beginning to realize why she had turned to them to fulfill this particular fantasy of hers. “George doesn’t let any of his products enter the market if they’re not completely safe. The Petplay Experience Potion is no different, although I admit he could come up with a better name.” He took a step closer, wrapping his arms around the shaking girl.

“That’s not why I’m scared…”

“I know poppet,” he whispered, using Parvati’s nickname for her. He wrapped his arms around her, watching as she melted into his chest. She’d be their poppet, he decided, their pretty little pet.

There was none of the usual hesitation and awkwardness that usually accompanied the addition of a partner to their bedroom. Lavender meshed perfectly with his wife and himself, almost like she belonged in their arms.

“You’ll be the perfect little cow for Daddy and Parv,” he whispered, glancing down at the white and black patterned stockings that had spilled out from her bag. He kissed her head, holding her against his chest as her breathing slowed. “It’s not too late to back out though. We’ll understand,” he whispered, running his hand reassuringly through her silky blonde hair. His cock twitched. She looked adorable in pigtails.

“Make me your pretty little cow, sir,” she responded, and he stepped back, nodding at her.

He decided against waiting for Parvati, knowing she’d join them in due time. He knew she liked him to have the first crack at their partners, to break down their inhibitions, not that he presumed that would be much of a problem in this case. Not if the potion worked the way George advertised it.

He took Lavender’s hand, leading her to the bed. His other hand traveled to her back, pushing her down on the bed gently, but firmly. His wife was a brat and a masochist. His pet, he sensed, had different needs and desires, and would need a gentler hand.

Not too gentle, he thought, smacking her perfectly shaped round butt. The girl groaned quietly as the smack echoed around the room. Her eyes fluttered shut, and she stopped quivering, his actions only speeding up the effect of the potion in pulling her down into pet space.

He dragged the bag closer with his foot, a hand staying on her back to keep her pinned to the bed. There was no response from her as he unbuttoned her jeans, pulling them down her legs. The slight pink on her pale cheeks was the only reminder that their session had already started, and he smacked her right cheek again, watching in satisfaction as it jiggled, his pet crying out quietly, her hand reaching back to massage her pink rump.

She’d be nonverbal soon if she wasn’t already, and he decided to waste no time. He had to get her ready before his wife joined him in taking care of their best friend.

She’s not just my best friend anymore, he mused, pulling the purple thong down her legs. He made her step out of her clothes, tossing them to one corner of the room. She wouldn’t need them for the rest of the weekend.

His hand traveled to her hair, grabbing a fistful of it and using it to pull her off the bed. She grunted as she crashed against his firm chest, looking up at him with big eyes. “Are you alright, princess?” he asked, and smiled when she nodded.

“Good. Don’t fight that current sweetie, or you’ll drown. I promise you, if you let it, it’s going to take you to a wonderful place,” he whispered, making her raise her arms, pulling the gray hoodie free from her body. The garment joined the rest of her clothes. He unbuttoned her blouse, enraptured by her breasts as more and more of the milky skin was revealed. She had skipped a bra, and Harry had to restrain himself from starting to play with her perfectly shaped, round breasts.

“Aren’t you my pretty little cow,” he whispered, unable to help himself. His hand grabbed her left tit, fingers digging into her soft flesh, eliciting an embarrassed ‘moo’ from Lavender.

“That’s right,” he murmured, bending down to pick the bag up and place it on the bed. The stockings were the first thing he helped put on her, quickly pulling them up her legs. The headband with the tiny horns and black and white patterned ears came next, nestled securely on her head and helping hold her blonde hair in check. He turned her so she faced him, retrieving the fake septal ring from the bag. He removed it from its packaging, pushing the ends in either nostril, a hand holding her head in place to stop her from squirming. The ends magically fixed themselves, and would just as easily be removed, making the toy perfect for something like the weekend they were about to have.

“That store is a wonder, isn’t it? Parv and I sometimes spend hours browsing everything on offer,” he teased, grinning when she dutifully nodded.

The collar was next, a lacy black piece with a bell that suited his new pet perfectly. Lavender Brown had perfect fashion sense, be it in ballgowns or pet play chic. He wrapped it around her slender neck, the bell ringing quietly as the collar was locked in place. He could see her shoulders slump as the last vestiges of tension fled her body.

The collar was a reminder. She was claimed. She would be looked after. Her best friends would look after her. She knelt of her own accord, hands locked behind her arms and eyes cast to the floor, the very picture of perfect sub etiquette.

“No tail?” Harry asked, watching her shake her head without looking up.

“Good,” Parvati said, leaning against the doorway, as naked as the day she was born. She was holding the huge black dildo he had gifted her on their anniversary in her hand. “Tails just get in the way.”

She sauntered over to them, a hand lazily scratching Lavender’s head between the floppy ears as she leaned up to kiss her husband. “You’re the best husband in the world, Mr. Potter. It’s a month to my birthday, and here you are, with the perfect present already,” she whispered against his lips, her grin matching his own smile.

“You like?”

“I love,” Parvati replied, keeping her hand in Lavender’s hair as she circled her best friend, eyeing her much in the same way a cat would her new toy. Lavender maintained her position throughout it all, only looking up when she bent, hooking a finger under her chin, making her tilt her head up to look at her new mistress. “She’s gorgeous, isn’t she daddy?” Parvati asked, tapping her cheek with a finger. “Open,” she ordered, pushing the dildo inside her mouth when her command was obeyed. She pushed the huge toy in as far as Lavender could comfortably take it, stopping when she started to gag.

“Angelic,” Harry replied, grabbing Parvati’s long black hair and pulling her up for a rough kiss. “And so are you, my love.”

She moaned into his lips, her nimble fingers quickly undoing the button of his jeans and pushing them as far down his legs as she could. “No need-” her hand slipped into his boxers, “for the flattery.” Her fingers wrapped around his shaft, pulling his rapidly hardening cock out. He sighed as the pressure on it eased.

“I’ll let you take first dibs,” she teased, leaning up to whisper in his ear, her breath hot on his skin.

“Take?” Harry raised an eyebrow.

“Offer,” Parvati corrected with an impish smile. Her hand was still wrapped around his cock, and she started to pump slowly, coaxing it to grow to its full length.

She pulled away soon after, turning to look at Lavender, who had not moved an inch the entire duration of their conversation.

“Amazing,” Parvati whispered, watching her best friend drool around the large toy stuffed in her mouth.

“It’s the potion.”

“Oh no, she is a very good cow. The potion just brought out what was hidden for all these years, didn’t it, pet?” Parvati asked, pulling the dildo free from her mouth. Lavender only blushed and nodded, mooing quietly.

“See?” Parvati grinned, turning to look up at her husband.

“Be nice to have some obedience in this house.” He moved to stand next to Parvati, a finger hooking under Lavender’s collar to pull her up on her feet.

“You’d be bored with me within a day if I stopped being bratty,” Parvati shot back, squealing at the hard smack to her ass her words elicited.

“At the risk of sounding impertinent daddy,” she gasped, pressing her legs together, “aren’t we supposed to be concentrating on our new pet tonight?”

“You’re right. She had been a little neglected, hadn’t she?” He let go of Parvati, reaching out to pull Lavender closer to him. “But she doesn’t mind. Look at her, all aroused and not a cock in her,” Harry asked, pushing the tiny blonde’s legs apart. She tried in vain to push her legs together to hide the gleaming trickle of wetness making its way down her thighs, only pausing in her efforts when Parvati pinched a stiff pink nipple, twisting it harshly.

Lavender mewled softly and gave up, submitting to the wishes of her new masters.

Parvati smiled, gently squeezing Lavender’s breast. She pulled her hand away, popping her finger in her mouth to taste the single drop of milk her pinch had elicited.

“Delicious,” she whispered, bending to kiss her cheek, grinning at her deepening blush. She grabbed the magically enchanted dildo, pushing it into the socket of the strap-on belt she had around her waist. “We’re going to work on your gag reflex poppet,” she said, sauntering over to the bed, her slender hips swaying with every step. She climbed onto the large bed, pushing herself up to the very top, her back against the headboard and her legs spread. The large, hyperrealistic dildo rose up like a spear, glistening in the dim light of the room from the saliva coated on it from its time in Lavender’s mouth.

Harry tore his eyes away from the little display his wife had put on, turning to Lavender, only to see that she had her eyes fixated on her best friend as well. Her mouth was open as she panted, the trickle down her legs had turned into a gush that coated his fingers.

He pulled his hand away from her thighs, ignoring the disappointed bleat his action elicited. “Patience, pet,” Harry murmured, taking her hand and leading her to the bed. He pushed her down on the bed, on her hands and knees, watching as Parvati grabbed her pigtails and pulled her closer to the dildo.

She mooed softly, turning her pleading eyes towards Harry, a desperate wiggle of her ass letting him know the potion had consumed her mind and was overloading her senses.

“The first time is always hard poppet,” Parvati whispered, tugging on her pigtails to make Lavender turn back towards her, gently pushing her down on the huge cock strapped to her. Lavender obediently obliged, her lips stretching around the massive girth as she was pushed down on it. “You better fuck her hard and fast daddy. She looks like she’ll explode if she doesn’t get bred within the next five minutes,” Parvati smirked, ignoring the gagging sounds as the tip of the dildo hit the back of Lavender’s throat, instead pushing her further down its length.

Harry didn’t need any more encouragement. His cock was already throbbing, rock hard at the sight in front of him. The bed creaked as he climbed on it, his hands grabbing Lavender’s wide hips for leverage. If his wife was made to be a kitten, there was no doubt that his new pet was the perfect cow. Her hourglass-shaped body, buxom chest, and wide hips meshed flawlessly with her kink. A hand snaked around her waist, his fingertips gently brushing against her clit, causing the girl to moan around the cock in her mouth.

Parvati gasped, the strap-on enchanted to transmit every sensation and feeling much like a real cock would. “I-keep going daddy,” she pleaded, her hands shifting to the back of Lavender’s head, firmly pushing her down the last few inches of the dildo. She held her there as Lavender gagged, pulling her away from the dildo only when she saw Harry guide his tip towards her wet cunt, ready to impale the girl. A thin strand of drool still connected Lavender’s lips to the dildo as she looked up at her best friend with wide eyes, the very picture of slutty innocence.

Her gasp for breath was interrupted by the man behind her pushing his thick shaft inside her with a single brutal thrust. Lavender moaned, and Parvati took advantage of it by pushing her back down on the glistening black dildo.

Lavender was now pinned between her two lovers in a spit roast, her moaning muffled as Parvati timed every thrust by her husband by pushing her down on the dildo. Still, she dutifully sucked, swirling her tongue around the thick shaft, only faltering when Harry gave her clit the occasional pinch.

Harry dug his fingers into the alabaster skin of her hip, leaving marks that would surely turn to bruises come morning. “You need to be bred, don’t you, little cow?” He grunted, thrusting inside her tight cunt with a punishing pace, the only sounds in the room being that of skin slapping skin, Lavender’s loud moans, and Parvati’s quieter ones.

She was close, the way she quivered under him made that clear. He renewed his assault on her clit, massaging and flicking it with his thumb in time with his thrusts. Parvati, however, was the first to go, her hands falling off Lavender’s head as she collapsed back to the headboard, mewling as the shock of the orgasm coursed through her body.

Lavender kept sucking dutifully, trying her best to swallow the realistic cum that was now filling her mouth. Her mind was blank, big blue eyes looking up at her best friend and lover as she writhed in ecstasy.

Harry reached out, grabbing her pigtails, pulling her off the dildo and up against his firm chest so Parvati had a clear view of both their climaxes. A hand moved to her heavy breast while the other continued to toy with her clit, and he peppered her shoulder with kisses as he continued to thrust roughly inside her.

Lavender came within minutes, squirting all over his cock, coating both their thighs with her arousal. She was a complete mess, with cum leaking out of the corner of her mouth, dripping down to her breasts, and mingling with the milk leaking out of her breasts.

Her tightness and the way her velvet walls clamped down around his shaft relentlessly trying to milk him of his precious seed proved far too much for his self-control to handle. He thrust inside her one last time, cumming in her with a roar.

Lavender was a dazed mess, panting softly as she was pulled off his shaft, instinctively turning her fluid-coated body into his chest, nuzzling into him.

Harry simply locked his eyes with his exhausted wife and smiled, knowing they were both coming to the same conclusion.

Their relationship had just gotten much more interesting.


There is something to be said about a night of quality intercourse, Parvati mused as she made her way down to the kitchen. While the night before hadn’t been the longest session she’d had with her husband by far, it had been one of the best, and the singular reason was her best friend.

Now lover and pet too. The thought made her giddy with excitement.

She’d woken up to an empty bed, sore, tired, but supremely satisfied. Dressed only in one of Harry’s shirts she walked down to their kitchen, presuming that her partners had decided on an early start to the day.

They had, just not in the way she had imagined.

“Not on the kitchen table, please! I’m hungry and I need to eat,” she teased, grinning at the sight of her husband lazily fucking the naked blonde bent over the oak table. Harry turned and smiled, before returning to his task with a wink. Lavender simply turned to look at her, the apologetic look on her face interrupted by a moan as Harry thrust deep inside her.

Parvati made her way around the couple, grabbing a bowl and pouring her favorite cereal into it. Instead of making her way to the fridge, she walked over to stand next to Lavender, turning her red face so she could look at her best friend.

“You don’t mind, do you, cow? You’re already leaking all over my table, be a shame to waste it,” she whispered, leaning up to kiss Harry’s cheek when he helpfully pulled her up away from the table, giving her easier access to her chest.

Parvati bent, licking the milky drop hanging from one of her teats, rolling it around on her tongue. “Delicious,” she pronounced, winking at her husband. She held the bowl under her chest, starting to slowly milk one of her breasts, Lavender’s moans now mixed with quiet mooing.

“So,” Parvati said through a mouthful of cereal, having pulled the bowl away once it was full. “We’re keeping her, aren’t we?”

“Are we, poppet?” Harry asked, continuing his lazy thrusting.

Lavender could only nod, but as she would reflect once the effects of the potion had worn off, it had been very enthusiastic nodding indeed.


So, this story ran away from me and the word count reflects it. Lol. In my defense, I had a lot of fun writing these three! Especially when I got the idea to make the more reserved Parvati the brat, and the normally more outgoing Lavender the service sub. It was originally only those two in the story, but adding Harry only made it more interesting, so I kept that as the final version. If there's popular demand among my Patrons, I might just convert their adventures as they settle into their new relationship into a series of short stories. Let me know!



I liked it! It was hot and still sweet. I will say that i wasn't sold on the potion use, but that's just because it feels a bit to close to recreational drug use, which i don't enjoy reading about. It makes me uncomfortable, namely the question of consent while under the influence of them. But as a whole i enjoyed it and would happily read more if you write it.