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Content Warnings: Spanking.

Chapter 1:

By any rational measure, he had no right to be nervous. It was a natural thing, a part of life.

Why was he so bloody terrified, then?

Perhaps it was his decision to come to his friends for advice, he mused, nursing the glass of butterbeer in his hand. He looked up to them, watching them dance around the kitchen, preparing dinner in what seemed more like a beautiful waltz than simple cooking.

Neville Longbottom wasn’t sure about a lot of things these days, but as he looked at Harry Potter chase his wife around the kitchen, he did know he’d come to the right place.

“So.” Daphne smiled, running her hands down her body to smoothen the now crooked apron. Neville blushed at the ‘Spank The Chef’ scrawled across it in stylized red letters, smiling nervously at the blonde woman. “Not that we don’t appreciate you dropping by Nev, mind telling me what was so important you braved the torrential rain?”

“Get your fireplace connected to the one in my office mate. Sorry about the whole having to apparate a distance away thing, but we’re still trying to figure out how to take down the Fidelus around the house now that the person who cast it and the secret keeper are both dead,” Harry added, levitating the pot of soup to the table.

“It’s on the list. There’s just so much to do.”

“We feel you, it’s been two years since we moved in, and we’re still working on our house. Luna settling in well?” Daphne asked, pulling a chair for herself. She smiled at her friend, her grey eyes as sharp as ever. Neville knew there was little she missed, and would pry out what he’d come to talk to them about before long.

“Do you need-” He moved to get up, deciding to help his friend carry the bowls full of food to the table to delay the inevitable.

“Nah, mate. All good. You two should come over for a proper dinner someday. I’ll drop an invite to Ron and Hermione, reunite the whole gang.”

They had drifted apart of late, that much was true. Neville had pegged it down to all of them growing up and starting their own lives, but there were certainly nights when he missed the simplicity of sharing a train compartment, splitting chocolate bars, and laughing at the twins’ latest inventions.

Tonight is definitely shaping up to be one such night.

“So, how is Luna? Is everything alright between you two?” Daphne pressed again, shifting her chair to allow her husband to slip into the one next to hers.

Never miss a thing, do you, friend?

“She’s fine. We’re fine.” He hastily held up a hand in surrender as he saw Harry open his mouth, precluding any questions about the state of his relationship. He’d been the best man at their wedding, and a part of him knew they cared deeply about him even if they were no longer as close as all of them have liked. “But there is something about us that I need to talk to you two about.”

“Do you love her?” Harry asked, echoing the same question he’d asked all the way back at the end of their fifth year, when he’d been the first person they’d told about their relationship. They had been more than a little afraid about telling Ron and Hermione, but his acceptance had given them the courage they’d needed. Harry had said as much to him when he’d asked him to be the best man.

“Very much so,” Neville said, repeating the words the man in front of him had uttered all those years ago.

“Then you have our blessing.” Daphne finished, doling out the soup in three bowls. “When do you plan to ask her?”

“What?” Oh. They thought he’d come to them because he wanted to marry her. “I-We are not there yet. I mean, it’s just been a year. I love her very much, but we’ve just bought our flat and moved in together, so I think we’ll give co-habitation a try first.”

“Splendid idea. I’d never have married Mr. Potter if I knew he drooled in his sleep.”

“Hey! You knew about it long before I proposed.”

“True. Wonder why I still accepted,” Daphne teased, leaning her head on her husband’s shoulder. “Must be all the sex. Rotted my brain.”

“That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about,” Neville interjected, his cheeks a dark red. He had to forge onwards before he lost his courage, and this seemed as good a moment as any.

“Sex?” Daphne asked, her question coinciding with Harry’s, ‘Brain Rot?’

“Why would Nev apparate onto a flooded street and risk drowning at half past eight to talk about brain rot?” Daphne asked, smacking Harry’s shoulder.

“Dunno. He’s contracted it? It’s a very serious condition. Maybe he wants us to be the witnesses to his will?”

“Nev doesn’t have brain rot. You don’t have brain rot, right Nev?” Daphne asked.

“No, I don’t have brain rot,” Neville nodded, smiling despite his current state of embarrassment. Marriage hadn’t changed the two of them one bit.

“Sex, then.” Harry raised an eyebrow.


“No need to be so embarrassed about it, Nev. If you don’t talk to us about it, who will you talk to?” Daphne asked, reaching out to gently grasp his hand. “The two of you have-”

“YES. Yes! I mean yes we have,” Neville squeaked, turning a darker shade of red than he thought was possible.

“Ah. Are there any problems-” Harry gestured to his lap, “There are potions for that you know? Tracey is a great healer, Daph can set you up with an appointment with her if you want.”

“N-no,” Neville stuttered. If they kept going in a similar vein, he’d resemble a beetroot by the time he left. “No problems of that kind at all. Luna is happy with my uh, performance. I mean, she says she is, and I’ve never known her to lie.”

“Oh, that girl is brutally honest,” Daphne cackled, sniping Harry’s glass of firewhiskey and taking a sip. “So what-”

Neville decided to just blurt out the reason for his impromptu visit before the couple conjured up any more outlandish scenarios, cutting Daphne off mid-sentence as he blurted, “we want what you have.”

“Marriage and bed before eleven?” Harry asked, a teasing smile returning to his face.

“You-” Daphne pointed to her husband, “shut up. Nev, go on.”

“What was that Mrs. Potter?” Harry growled softly, his hand disappearing under the table, presumably to her thighs.

“Sir, I know I’m ending up across your knees before the night is over, but can we solve our friend’s problem before proceeding to that part of our nightly program?” Daphne whispered back, a faint blush coating her cheeks.

“This.” Neville nodded. “This is what we want. Well, Luna wants to try it. I’m confused and more than a little scared,” he admitted, his eyes fixed on his glass. While he was mortified, it felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Someone knew. More importantly, people who could help knew.

“Spanking?” Harry asked, his smile replaced with a kinder, more reassuring one.

“Well, that.” Neville nodded again, keeping his eyes fixed on the glass of Butterbeer. “And the rest of it.” He gestured vaguely.

“What do you want Nev?” Daphne asked, gently squeezing the hand she held.

“I… don’t mind trying? I don’t know what I want.”

“Neither did we, mate. We didn’t get a blueprint detailing our tastes when we first started out. It was a combination of communication and trial and error.”

“A LOT of trial and error. I still remember our first time with the spoon. Professor McGonagall nearly gave me detention for squirming around in my seat,” Daphne concurred, squeezing his hand again. “You shouldn’t do anything you’re not comfortable with Nev. If you’re not comfortable with any of this, you need to have an honest conversation with her.”

“That’s not what I’m scared and confused about,” Neville admitted softly, trying to figure out how to frame his question without offending his friends. “It’s just it’s so… How can I do…”

“How can you dole out pain instead of pleasure? How can you subject the woman you love to that?” Harry asked, sighing softly. “You aren’t the only one who’s asked himself that Nev.”

“And I’ll give you the same answer I gave Daddy,” Daphne interjected firmly, squeezing his hand again. “Pain and pleasure are often two sides of the same coin Nev. Harry isn’t doing anything to me, just as you won’t be ‘doing something’ to Luna.” Daphne withdrew her hand, causing him to look up just in time to see her utter the word using air quotes. “As long as you’re not doing something she doesn’t want and she’s not making you do something you don’t want to do, you’re both doing something you love and enjoy, albeit in different ways.”

“It didn’t change your relationship?”

“It did,” Daphne admitted, “That might not be the answer you’re looking for, but it did change our relationship. It brought us closer, made us happier, and created an unbelievable level of trust between us. There are nights I’ve gone to bed with tears and mascara running down my face and snot flowing out my nose Nev.” She reached out to take his hand again, “But I wanted it. I loved it. I crave it. Luna might want something similar, or maybe something different. You won’t know what she wants… what you want as a couple by talking to us.”

“The person you need to be having this conversation with is Luna mate. We can guide you, but you are the ones who need to figure out what you want.”

“It’s terrifying,” Neville admitted softly, finally gathering the courage to look up at his friends. There was no judgment, only kind sympathy.

“It is. It’s going to be scary and terrifying. But the journey will also bring you closer, and at times, make you laugh.”

“The first time I spanked Daphne?” Harry said, chuckling softly as he exchanged glances with her, “She slipped and fell and I couldn’t catch her. I had to take her to Madame Pomfrey at one in the morning and come up with a believable story about her dislocated shoulder.”

“You told her you were giving me a ride on your broom.”

“She believed it!”

“Because that was a euphemism for sex Harry!”

“No, it wasn’t.”

“Uh- It was,” Neville piped up, smiling. If this was the future of his relationship with Luna, it wasn’t bad. In fact, it was splendid. “Ginny used to say she was going for a broom ride all the time. I once asked if I could come with her, and she had to explain what it really meant.”

“I told Madame Pomfrey we were having sex?” Harry asked, appearing mortified despite the fact that the incident had been many years ago.

“Why else do you think she slipped a bottle of contraceptive potion in my hand before she let us go?” Daphne grinned, bumping her shoulder against Harry’s. “You’ll be fine, Nev. Just trust your gut, and talk to her. Honesty is the only thing you need to make this work.”

“Well honesty and-” Harry got up, their dinner long forgotten. “Be back in a minute!”

He returned carrying a book, dropping it in front of Neville before returning to his seat.

Neville looked down at the book. “A hundred and one ways to spank a witch?” He read, his fingers tracing the title.

“We walked Mr. Longbottom, so you could run. Anytime you two want to try something new, drop by for a guide. Chances are, we have something on the topic. Now, unless you want to stick around for a practical lesson, I suggest you leave, buy some flowers, and have a nice candlelight dinner with your girlfriend instead of us.”

Chapter 2:

“You’re late,” Luna said with a smile, pulling the wand she had tucked behind her ear. With a wave of her wand, she flicked the door to their apartment shut, before quietly casting a drying and warming charm on her utterly soaked boyfriend.


It felt good to call him that. Loony Lovegood had love and a home of her own.

Who’d have thought?

The war had sobered her. Exposed her to the harsh realities of the world that her mother and father had spent so long shielding her from. But she did not wish to go back. Not anymore.

Papa always said the right way was usually forward. One step in front of the other, till we’re where we want to be.

She wasn’t alright. She wasn’t sure she’d ever be alright. But she’d keep walking, one step at a time.

“I stopped by Harry and Daphne’s for a chat.” That smile. It caused wrackspurts to jump up and down in her stomach.

“To congratulate them? You should’ve taken me too.” She tugged at the blanket wrapped around her tiny body, patting the empty space next to her on the couch. It was a cold night, and the warmth of her boyfriend would be most welcome.

“Congratulate?” he asked, flopping down next to her with a sigh. He was still steaming, the aftermath of the spell she had cast. It cloaked them in a haze of fog, which only improved the atmosphere of their candle-lit living room in her opinion.

“Daphne. On the pregnancy,” she said, leaning into him, resting her head on his broad shoulder.

He has a very nice physique, she mused idly, tracing random patterns on his broad chest. Very manly.

“Daphne isn’t pregnant,” Neville replied, sounding bemused.

“She is.” Her voice was firm. It was a fact, even if her boyfriend did not know it yet. “They’re going to have a girl.”

“She told you?” His hands were in her hair, playing with the tiny braids she had weaved her hair into to pass the time. It felt nice.

“No. I just know. She’s going to look exactly like her, but she will have Harry’s eyes.”

“They’ve invited us to dinner. We’ll take the opportunity to congratulate them then.”

“Okay,” she whispered, turning to bury her face in the crook of his neck, inhaling the woody aroma that was unique to him. Everything was perfect about him, including his belief in her. She had the sight, just like her mother, and she’d be proven right soon enough.

For now, his belief in her was enough.

His hands undo her braids, letting the golden tresses fall free and frame her face. “You like my hair, don’t you Nev?” she whispered, kissing her way up his neck.

“A lot.”

There was a change in him too, she could feel it. A peace, that had been lacking all week.

“Why did you go meet Harry and Daphne?”

“Do you remember you told me you wanted to try out something last Sunday?”

“A spanking? Mhm.” She hummed in the crook of his neck, gently nibbling at his pulse point. She smiled at the sudden increase in the intensity of the throbbing, knowing she had hit her mark. She shifted, climbing into his lap, straddling one of his legs. “You told me you were worried about you hurting me if something went wrong.” She moved onto his lap completely, her legs digging into the cushions behind them as they wrapped around his waist, pulling her as close to him as was physically possible. “Did they teach you how to do it right? How nice of them! I bet Daphne has a very pretty ass.”

“I-” Neville blushed, before clearing his throat. “They didn’t teach me. I went to them for advice because I wasn’t sure what I wanted.”

That explains the tempest in him all week. And the peace he’s found now.

“But now you do.”

“There’s no hiding anything from you, sunshine,” Neville whispered, cupping her cheeks. He pulled her in for a searing kiss that made her toes tingle. She hummed against his lips, playfully dueling with his tongue for dominance.

‘What do you want Neville Longbottom?” she whispered, her hands pushing underneath his shirt, fingers ghosting over the hard muscles.

“I want to spank you. But I don’t want what Harry and Daphne have, and I’m still worried about hurting you,” he whispered against her lips, his hands ever so gentle as they explored her body.

She used her own hands on his chest to push herself slightly away from him, granting her hands greater freedom to explore his body. “What do you want my lion?” she asked, her nimble fingers making quick work of his belt. She pulled it free from his jeans, dropping it on the floor by his feet. “As for hurting me-” she grabbed the ends of his shirt, pulling it up and free of his body. The garment joined the belt on the floor, and her hands returned to his defined chest, “the right kind of hurt can be the best thing in the world.”

“What if I want some of it too? I want to do things to you sunshine, but I also want some of them to be done to me.”

“Then I shall do them to you. We switch. It is only fair.” Luna beamed.

It was a solution so brilliant in its simplicity that only the girl laying across his lap could have thought of it. They would switch.

Hadn’t Harry and Daphne told him that the only people who decided what was right for their relationship would be Luna and him? What worked for Mr. and Mrs. Potter might not necessarily work for them, and the more he thought about it, the more he realized that that was completely fine.

“Are you thinking about Daphne’s ass?” Luna giggled, her voice muffled from her position pressed into the couch cushion. She was laid across his lap, her legs trapped by one of his like the book instructed. The trapping of her legs had also pushed her ass up in the air for him. He silently thanked his friend for loaning him the book, then commended his own foresight for summoning it from his coat after he had pulled Luna down across his knees.

“No,” Neville replied, pulling the simple cotton panties she wore down her legs. Daphne Potter was, to put it mildly, drop-dead gorgeous. But she wasn’t his sunshine, and consequently, he had little interest in her. “She may have a nice ass, but she can never compare to you, sunshine. I was just reading the instructions.”

He raised his hand, bringing it gently down on her right cheek on the spots the book indicated were safe, the soft smack echoing around the quiet room. Luna groaned then giggled, wiggling her ass. “Harder please, sir.” Came the quiet request.

He acquiesced, bringing his hand down on her left cheek. Her butt jiggled with the impact of the firm slap, a faint blush spreading in the pattern of his hand. Her moan was the sweetest sound he’d ever heard.

She shifted, burying her face deeper in the cushion as she pushed her ass up in the air as much as she could, wiggling it, silently egging him on. Two more smacks and she was gasping, his blows strong enough to leave a real sting.

The right kind of hurt can be the most pleasurable thing in the world, he thought, echoing her words as he lifted his leg. He pushed her legs apart, running a finger along her glistening slit.

“You’re going to count them out for me, Miss Lovegood,” he said as he trapped her legs in place once more. He wasn’t quite sure what had come over him, acting like he was. It was pure instinct, but he decided he very much liked the direction they were heading in. It certainly promised to add new spice to their relationship.

He grabbed her hair, pulling her away from the couch to make sure her pretty moans and sobs weren’t muffled. He brought his hand back down on her ass harder than he ever had, and certainly harder than he would have earlier thought prudent.

“O-one!” she cried out, fingers scrambling to grip the edge of the couch.

“Miss Lovegood. It’s been three years since we finished school, and you’ve forgotten basic arithmetic already?” he tutted, his palm flat against her cunt, lazily rubbing it.

He glanced at the book to make sure it was safe, before he slapped her cunt, his hand in her hair pulling her back into position as she jerked forward. She cried out, gasping at the sudden pain in an unexpected place. “Tw-” she paused, before saying softly, “six?”

“That’s a good girl,” he whispered, trying to copy the words and tone he had heard Harry use many a time. He resumed rubbing her cunt, giving her a minute to breathe, before he smacked it again, harder than the first time.

“S-seven!” she hiccuped, a slow but steady stream of tears now making its way down her cheeks.

“Do you need me to stop, sunshine?” Neville whispered, his concern for her wellbeing trumping any arousal he felt at the sight of her current state.

“How many did you… did I earn, sir?” Luna asked after taking a minute to gather herself.

“Ten, Miss Lovegood,” Neville answered, his thumb pushing inside her slit, gently starting to rub her clit.

“Then sir, I think I’ll be your brave sunshine and take them all,” Luna said softly, her eyes fluttering shut.

“So brave,” Neville cooed, pinching her clit between his fingers, almost on impulse. Luna shivered, moaning softly, her entire body going limp at the sudden assault to her core. He pushed two fingers in her tight cunt, her walls immediately clamping around the digits.

“Brave little sunshine, what do you want?” Neville whispered, pumping his fingers in and out of her tight, wet pussy. He kept rubbing her clit, occasionally pinching it, smiling at the strangled cry each pinch elicited.

“I-” Luna gasped, her body shaking, the ferocity of his assault combined with the excitement of the new direction their sex life was taking seemingly too much for the girl to bear. “Cum.”

“And what,” Neville asked, pinching her clit once more, slowly twisting the sensitive nub, “is the magic word Miss Lovegood?”

“Please!” she moaned, shaking violently as she came, squirting all over his jeans and their brand new couch.

“Please,” she begged, gasping, her face redder than it had ever been. It took him a minute to get over the shock of her squirting (something she had never done before), his hand withdrawing from her still leaking pussy and returning to her ass. “Please,” she repeated, her voice hoarse, pushing her ass up into his hands as he started to massage the pink cheeks.

“Don’t forget to count-” He glanced at the open book, “Or we start all over.”

Luna only nodded, sobbing softly as the eighth and ninth blows fell on alternate cheeks in quick succession. “Eight! Nine! Last One!”

He didn’t know if it was a request, command, or question, but he let her have it, his open palm landing across both cheeks in what was the hardest spank of the night. The dam finally broke, the girl sobbing quietly as he let her collapse onto the couch. The guilt started to surface until he glanced at her pussy, gleaming, still leaking, wetter than ever before.

She wanted this. He wanted this.

He pulled her up into his arms, tucking her head under his chin and letting the sobbing girl nuzzle into his chest.

He reached out to flip the page, trying to find the instructions for what he was supposed to do after a spanking. A massage with warm oil, or aloe cream.

“Are you alright my love?” he asked as her sobs grew quieter, slowly transforming into quiet hiccups.

“Mhm. That was the best orgasm I’ve had in my life.”

A/N: Still a chapter to go! Chapter 3 will see Luna return the favor!



First off, it's so great that Neville went to Harry and Daphne for advice, and I was laughing every time Daphne called Harry her "daddy" while she spoke to Neville. But, most of all, I love how Neville and Luna have decided that their preferred dynamic is switching!