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Content Warnings: Nothing.

Harry Potter had never run across Daphne Greengrass outside of a classroom. He had no idea what to expect when he approached the girl outside Hagrid’s hut, but an oversized hoodie, jeans, and a messy ponytail was nowhere close to what he had imagined.

If he stopped to think about it (which he had, several times that day), nothing about what had transpired throughout the day was something he could have imagined in his wildest dreams.

“Hi,” he whispered, tapping the girl on her shoulder. He grunted quietly as she whipped around, her hand moving from the pocket of her hoodie to press her wand against his throat.

She relaxed a bit as he moved slightly towards the light flooding out from Hagrid’s window, but made no move to remove her wand. “Don’t sneak up on me next time, Potter,” she said, her grey eyes narrowed.

“My- why are you even here?”

Probably should have gone with apologetic over hostile, he thought as her eyes narrowed further. She huffed and pulled her wand away from his throat after a minute, stuffing her hand back into the warmth of her hoodie.

“Call it professional curiosity. I’ve never seen a dragon in real life before. This could be my only chance.”

“You could have seen one during the tasks.”

“We don’t know if the tasks will be open to students and other public,” she pointed out.

“Why are you waiting outside?”

“Professor Hagrid is singing… and talking to himself. It felt rude to interrupt.”

Was that a faint blush coating her alabaster cheeks? It was hard to tell in the dim light, but she certainly sounded uncomfortable. Thinking back to Norbert, he could only imagine what had gotten Hagrid so excited.

“It's his thing. The more dangerous the creature, the more excited he is,” Harry said with a shrug, walking the short distance to the hut and hammering on the door. He smiled as the singing suddenly stopped, only for the smile to disappear the minute Hagrid opened the door.

“Hagrid, what’s that smell?” Harry choked a wave of pity welling up in him for Fang. If his sense of smell was anywhere as good as Sirius’ in animagus form…

“Perfume. Ya like it?”

“I-” He paused mid-sentence, suddenly at a loss for words as he entered the hut, finally getting a proper chance to study the man. He was wearing what looked to be a bearskin coat, his hair tamed with copious amounts of gel, and his beard parted into small braids.

“You look very dapper Professor Hagrid,” Daphne chimed in, having slipped in through the half-ajar door, thankfully pre-empting him from putting his foot in his mouth.

“Ya think?” Hagrid beamed, tugging on the lapels of his coat, “The two of you follow me under yer cloak Harry, and don’t make a sound.”

“Gotcha,” Harry nodded, pulling out the cloak from his satchel, and moving towards Daphne.

“What’s that?” she asked warily, taking a step back.

“An invisibility cloak.”

“You just happen to have one of those lying around?”

“It's a family heirloom.”

“You get weirder every minute I know you, Potter. It’ll be cramped if we’re both under it Professor Hagrid. Is it necessary? I’m very good at sneaking around,” she pleaded, turning to the man.

Hagrid had returned to stand in front of the mirror, humming quietly as he combed his hair. “Hmm?” he paused, turning to the two of them, “It’s best to be safe Miss Greengrass. I’m breaking the rules and all. And there’ll be someone else too, best not to be seen by them.”

Harry frowned. Hagrid had expressly warned them not to tell anyone, and while he didn’t know about Daphne, he hadn’t told a single soul with the exception of Hermione. It was a secondary matter that he didn’t really have anyone else to spill the news to, what with Ron still not talking to him. Who was Hagrid bringing along with them?

He turned to look at the man, and it suddenly dawned on him. All those glances, the coat, the perfume. He turned to an equally confused Daphne, jerking his thumb at the Beauxbatons carriage which the man was now looking at, and mouthing the word ‘Maxime’.

Realization finally dawned on the girl and she sighed, “If you say so, professor.”

He wrapped the cloak around himself, holding it up for her to slip in. It was a snug fit, their feet, and ankles not covered by the cloak and visible for the world to see. He doubted it would make much difference in the darkness of the forest.

“We’re ready,” Harry called out, waiting for Hagrid to open the door before he slowly walked out, Daphne sticking to his side to ensure no disembodied limbs were visible to prying eyes.

He watched Hagrid shut his hut’s door, then walk over to the carriage.


“Yes?” He turned from the man to look at Daphne, and her ever-enigmatic grey eyes.

“If your hand so much as moves an inch, I’ll hex your arm off.”

He looked down at his hand, mere millimeters from her leg. “Don’t worry Greengrass. I’m not Nott. Making women uncomfortable is his schtick, not mine.”

“Thank you for sharing with me how nice and gentlemanly you are,” Daphne snarked back, “Now walk, they’re moving.”

Harry turned back to Hagrid and the tall woman now walking next to him, trying to coordinate his pace with Daphne so the two stayed as far away from the couple while still being able to see them.

They followed them into the quiet forest, both of them trying their best not to stumble over exposed roots and rocks. Despite their best efforts, their lack of experience using the cloak together meant the occasional slip-up, but the couple in front of them seemed far too engrossed in their conversation to pay any attention to the quiet grunts or occasional flashes of exposed hands behind them.

Hagrid seemed to be leading them to a part of the forest he had never been to before. Considering his previous excursions to the forest had involved interacting with trample happy centaurs and ravenous giant spiders, he was more than happy with the change in direction.

“Where is he leading us?” They had been walking for nearly fifteen minutes now, far deeper into the forest than he had ever been, and yet, there seemed to be no indication of their final destination.

“I don’t know Potter. The deepest I’ve been in the forest is the unicorn enclosure,” Daphne hissed back. “They’ve stopped.” She grabbed his arm to stop him from walking closer to the couple.

Harry’s question died in his throat at the sound of the loud roar piercing the quiet night sky.

“Dragon,” Harry breathed after the minute it took him to regain his composure, turning to look at his companion’s ashen face.

“Dragon,” Daphne confirmed, “come on, let’s circle around so we can see what’s going on. No point coming this far just to learn what we already knew.”

Harry nodded, “we go left, then forward.” He started walking away from Hagrid and Madame Maxime, slowly walking forward until he deemed them to be a safe distance away from the two of them.

They walked through the foliage in silence. He nearly stumbled out into the clearing as they pushed through the last bush, only to be saved at the last minute by a hand grabbing his collar, pulling him back into the relative safety of the cloak.

“Thanks,” Harry whispered.

“No problem.” Daphne nodded towards the clearing. Harry followed her gaze, trying not to groan at the sight in front of him. The clearing was enormous, about twice the size of their Quidditch field, lit by torches interspersed at regular intervals and dominated by four large crates.

The clearing was populated with witches and wizards shooting stunning spells in between the bars of the crates, shouting to each other as they tried to communicate over the din of the roars. The occasional jet of flame shooting out from one of the crates forced them all to duck for cover, before they got back up and continued trying to subdue the dragons in the four crates.

“Typical of Malfoy senior. Skimp costs wherever you can, pocket the extra money, and leave others to clean up your mess,” Daphne said, sounding angrier than he had ever heard her be. “The law states that any dragon that is being transported has to be adequately sedated and transported in a crate at least twice the size of their body.” The Daphne Greengrass he knew was cold, aloof, and occasionally sarcastic, but he had never seen her display any actual emotion, let alone anger.

But then, he thought, this is the first time I’ve ever seen her outside of class. What do I truly know about the girl?

“Those crates appear to be barely bigger than the dragons themselves, and they’re very much awake,” Harry said, very much aware that he was pointing out the obvious.

“Well, duh, Potter. Why do you think they’re so angry?” Daphne hissed, gritting her teeth as the ground underneath them shook. “One stunned,” she said, sighing as the ground shook for a second time, then a third. “Two, three.”

“Just one left,” Harry breathed, turning to the crate closest to them, the one that still held a roaring beast. It took the combined efforts of every single witch and wizard in the clearing to finally stun the beast, the dragon collapsing in their crate with the loudest thud of them all.

“Hungarian Horntail,” Daphne whispered, a rather concerning excitement in her voice. She sounded like Hagrid had during the entire Norbert fiasco.

Not concerning at all.

“I pity the poor champion who has to face that one. The others are going to go through hell, sure, but the one who gets that bad boy is going to wish they were never born.”

“Greengrass, that could be me,” Harry hissed, “and while it is helpful to know that my death might be even more gruesome than previously imagined, we still don’t know what the actual task is. We already knew dragons were involved, but we don’t know what I-”

“Shh!” Daphne gripped his arm, her long nails harshly digging into his skin.

He paused mid-sentence as he noticed the two wizards walking toward where they were crouched, pausing to stand directly in front of them.

“Fucking Malfoy,” one of the men grunted, taking a swig from the flask he was holding. “That Welsh Green nearly took one of my hands.”

“They’re stunned now, even though it took the better part of the night. That’s all that matters. Snape is brewing the sleeping draught, we’ll mix it in their food when they wake up.”

“Why did they need nesting mothers and their eggs anyways? Be much easier to catch and transport younger dragons.”

“Apparently the task is to steal something from a dragon nest. Come on, let's get to bed. We need to be up at the crack of dawn to make sure they’re all fed.”

Harry let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding once the men had walked away, turning to look at Daphne. “Stealing something from a nest. It’s not the hardest task in the world, right?”

“Potter?” Came the quiet response, her face now shrouded in darkness as the torches in the clearing were extinguished by the leaving animal handlers.


“You’re fucked.”


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