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Content Warnings: Striptease, Cum Play, F/F, Teasing, Breast Play, Spanking.

She was dreaming.

Floating, weightless, and soaring through the air like a free bird. Free from responsibilities, free from the fear of rejection, and most importantly, free to be herself.

A soft bed. The warmth of a quilt. Harry was there, as always. His strong arms wrapped around her body, his lips caressing her forehead as he read to her…


She did not want to move. Did not want to look up, even though something was wrong. Harry never called her by name in her dreams. Her Harry was much more affectionate than that…


Hermione Granger reluctantly exited the land of dreams and poked open her eyes, fully expecting to see either Lavender or Parvati looming over her.

Her eyes widened when she saw Harry’s concerned face. 

“H-harry?!” Hermione rasped, her throat uncharacteristically dry and sore.

“Hey. We were worried about you,” Harry whispered as he gently pushed a strand of hair away from her eyes. 


Her cheeks went straight from pink to maroon when Susan leaned over her and helped her sit up. 

“Here,” Susan murmured, picking up the glass of water from the nightstand beside her. “Something I’ve learned… always have some water after your time with Harry,” she smirked. “It’ll help you feel better.” 

Hermione gingerly accepted the glass held out for her, her mind still a jumble of conflicting memories.

Why was Susan talking like that?

“I haven’t been with Harry,” Hermione whispered. She drained the glass in greedy gulps and set it on the nightstand. “What are you talking about?”

“Well, not in the strictest sense of the term. But you came just as hard as I did,” Susan giggled. Instead of pulling away, she jumped into bed, sandwiching Hermione’s slender body between herself and Harry. They were both on the quilt rather than under it, trapping her. 

Hermione mulled over Susan’s words in silence. She gasped as her sleepy brain finally unjumbled fiction from reality and she remembered everything that had happened in the changing room. 

Her eyes flitted to Susan. She was wearing shorts and a sweater. There was no sign of the cheerleading costume, neither were they still in the changing room. Was it a dream? Was she still dreaming?

“Uh… how did I get here?” she asked, trying to be subtle in her questioning. She was in their apartment and had no intention of mentioning the changing room incident until she was certain the entire thing had not been a figment of her imagination. 

“Harry carried you,” Susan said cheerfully. “We didn’t want to risk staying in the changing room and having someone else walk in on us and nothing we did got you out of lè petit mort.”

“Lè petit mort?” Hermione frowned. She knew a little French from her trips to France and was certain mort meant death. Was she dead? In heaven?

That’ll certainly explain things, she thought, a blush creeping onto her cheeks as she alternated between looking at Harry and Susan. The current scenario certainly looked like what she’d imagined her slice of heaven would look like. Susan was an unexpected, but not unwelcome, addition to her fantasy.

“The little death.” When Hermione kept looking at her uncomprehendingly, Susan giggled. “You came so hard you passed out. Harry carried you up to our apartment.”

“He carried me across the grounds and up five floors?!” Hermione gasped. Her cheeks were flaming and she decided to stare at the wall opposite her, unable to look at either Harry or Susan. It was real. It had all been real. She had walked in on them and instead of running out or interrupting them, she had stayed and watched. And touched herself…

She pulled the quilt covering her away from her body. Her eyes flickered to her jeans and she whimpered at the massive stain covering the light blue fabric. 

“You made quite the mess.”

Harry’s chuckle caused her blush to deepen. She stared at the stain, the memory of her explosive climax reigniting the simmering flame in her belly.

“We cleaned it up, don’t worry.”

“Well, my domestic goddess did. I’m still shit at cleaning charms,” Harry murmured.

Susan wiggled happily at the compliment. 

Hermione watched with wide eyes as Harry leaned over her to kiss Susan. Try as she might, she couldn’t pull her eyes away from their locked lips. 

“Thank you, my lord,” Susan purred. She licked her lips languidly and turned her attention to a wide-eyed Hermione.

“You call him your lord?” Hermione whispered, strangely aroused by the endearment. Harry did fit the medieval ideals of a lord. Strong, dashing, and powerful. Perhaps he could buy a secluded manor and hire her to paint them as he ravished Sus-

No. Bad Hermione!

“Only when she wants something,” Harry teased. He flopped back on the bed and turned, propping himself up on one hand so he could easily look at the two most important women in his life.

“He’s my lord husband, the lord of our house,” Susan answered with a shrug. “Why shouldn’t I call him that?”

“It sounds so medieval,” Hermione murmured. “My lord,” she whispered as she turned to Harry, unable to keep the giddy smile from her face. “So old fashioned,” she said, her expression in complete contrast to her words. 

“What would you call him?” Susan asked, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement. She’d never thought Harry finding the perfect Mrs. Potter would be this simple. Or it would be someone she liked so much. 

“Hmm?” Hermione asked without looking away from Harry.

“If you were Harry’s wife or girlfriend or mate, what would you call him?” 

“I’m not his wife or girlfriend or mate.”

Susan resisted the urge to roll her eyes and smack them both on their nose for their obstinacy. Her job would be so much easier if Harry was willing to just kiss her!

Or if Hermione spent less time watching others and more time getting in on the action herself. 

“But if you were?” Susan asked again, displaying characteristic Hufflepuff patience.

“Harry, I guess?”


Hermione frowned at the look on Harry’s face. Was he disappointed? Why would he be disappointed?

I’m imagining things. My mind has been playing tricks since I entered the changing room.

She could have sworn she remembered locking eyes with Harry just before her climax. He hadn’t been horrified. He had simply smiled and urged her over the edge.

Stop it with the overactive imagination!

She needed to get out of the apartment. A cold shower and two days buried in her bed with a book, away from civilization. That was what she needed!

“Babe, then,” Hermione murmured to put an end to the conversation.

“That’s what Pansy calls Malfoy, Hermione. Please don’t be the Pansy of our relationship,” Susan said with a barely disguised smirk. “Come on. You spied on Harry taking me in a slutty cheerleading costume. The least you can do is tell me what you’d call my husband if you were in a relationship with him.”

Her husband.

Married. Off-limits to her. The thought of that made Hermione strangely angry.

“Professor,” Hermione muttered brusquely. “I’d call him professor if I was in a relationship with him.”

“Well, professor,” Susan said, hopping off the bed. “Your student was very naughty today.” She walked over to the bedroom door and pulled it open. “Don’t let the detention last for more than an hour. Cold lasagna isn’t edible and I won’t let you reheat it.”

“Susan, what are you doing?” Harry asked with a frown.

“Using the tried-and-tested technique of locking you both in a room until you work things out.” 

“There’s nothing to work out,” Hermione said hastily. “I’m sorry, Susan. I never should have spied on you and Harry. I have no excuse and I will understand if you don’t forgive me. I stayed because I’m lonely, that’s all,” she lied lamely.

“So you’d have squirted all over the floor even if it had been Fred and Angelina in that room instead of me and Harry?” Susan questioned. She raised an eyebrow and shut the door, slowly making her way back to the bed.


“You should have been a Hufflepuff, Hermione. You are a terrible liar,” Susan grinned.

“Susie, what is going on?” Harry asked. He frowned at Hermione’s fidgeting. She only did that when she was uncomfortable and it wasn’t like Susan to be unnecessarily cruel. “I thought you didn’t mind that Hermione watched us in the changing room. She’s apologizing. Please forgive her.”

“There’s nothing to forgive,” Susan whispered, her eyes widening. 

Idiots in love.

She finally understood why Sirius had used that to describe Harry’s relationship with Hermione. How two of the smartest people she knew could be this oblivious…

“Mr. Potter.” She gestured at Harry. It was time for a new, more direct approach if she wanted them out of the bedroom before her lasagna burned. “Meet Mrs. Potter,” she said, turning to point at Hermione.

“You’re Mrs. Potter.”

Susan shook her head at Hermione’s assertion, her long plait whipping around wildly. 

“Nope,” she giggled. “I am Mrs. Bones. Our marriage was matrilineal. Our children will carry the Bones name. Harry still needs a partner to continue the Potter lineage.”

“H-he can have one more partner?” Hermione stammered. Her poor head hurt from the deluge of information being dumped on her. “Is that allowed?”

“Yep. He can and should have two more, actually. Only an idiot would combine the Potter and Black seats and lose a vote in the Wizengamot. I thought you knew. You want to be a lawyer, don’t you?”

“This isn’t in any textbook…”

“There’s more to life than the books in the library, Hermione,” Susan said kindly. She climbed back into bed and set her wand on the nightstand. “I’ll get you a Ministry Codex, the nine hundredth edition. It has all our laws. I have a feeling you’ll enjoy going through it.”

“Thank you,” Hermione murmured with pink cheeks.


“My lord,” Susan said cheekily.

“I thought we agreed we’d wait-”

“We did,” Susan interjected. “Then you told me you liked Hermione watching you. And Hermione was so very naughty. You can’t let things like that slide, professor. Be good and finish that detention in an hour, okay?” She leaned in and kissed their cheeks.

“Y-you liked me spying on you and Susan?!” Hermione gasped.

“Kinda,” Harry mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. “It was hot.”

“And naughty,” Susan teased, climbing off the bed again. “Worthy of a detention, don’t you agree, professor?”

“Don’t,” Harry groaned. “Every time you use that title, I think of Snape.”

Hermione and Susan growled together. Hermione forgot her shyness and grabbed the nearest pillow, smacking Harry’s chest with it.

“Potter, did you lose all your charm when you successfully courted me?” Susan asked, leaning over to poke Harry’s arm.

“I was being honest!”

“Hermione likes that title so you’ll just have to get over it, darling.” Susan rolled her eyes fondly. “Are you okay?” she asked, glancing at Hermione.

Hermione, whose face was smushed against Susan’s ample bosom nodded shyly. The movement caused her cheek to rub against the coarse wool of Susan’s sweater and she moaned softly.

“I-I would be okay with ‘sir’ as well. It feels similar to ‘professor’ and Harry doesn’t have to think about Snape. I don’t want to imagine him in our bedroom.”

“Trust me, Mione, no one does,” Harry muttered. 

“Mione?!” Hermione gasped.

“Do you not like it?” Harry asked, worried.

“I love it,” Hermione whispered, trembling with happiness. “But can you help me get out? I have to go to the bathroom.”


A nickname of her own. She wanted to dance with happiness but she controlled herself. 

“You know, this was much simpler in my head,” Susan muttered as she pulled away. “In my head, you two were naked and cuddling by now... I guess you’re getting cold lasagna for dinner.”

“Is it in the oven?” Harry asked, helping Hermione out from under the quilt. He chuckled as he watched her dash off into the bathroom and turned to look at his wife again. “How long have you been plotting to get us together?”

“Yes.” Susan pulled her wand free from her ear and twirled it to lower the temperature of the oven. “Since I moved into Grimmauld Place and noticed you love her?”

“I don’t-”

Susan raised an eyebrow.

“Fine. I think it’s more accurate to say I can’t explain my feelings for Hermione.”

“But you love her.”

It was a statement, not a question. She knew he was confused, but she was certain there was no doubt about his feelings for Hermione.

“I think so. It felt natural to have her there with us, you know? It feels natural to have her here with us now.”

Susan smiled and nodded. She cocked her head at the sound of water running in the sink. 

“Are you okay, sweetie?” Susan asked, her smile growing. She felt protective of Hermione and saw no reason not to act on her feelings.

“Yes!” Hermione squeaked.

“There’s a spare new toothbrush in the medicine cabinet. You can use it if you want to!” Susan yelled.

“How do you know she wants to brush her teeth?” Harry chuckled. He grabbed the pillows scattered all over the bed and carefully arranged them in a pile against the headboard. 

“Because that’s what I did before every date. I didn’t want to be caught off-guard if you decided to kiss me!” Susan giggled. “Did you find it?” she asked, raising her voice again.

“Yes!” Hermione answered, her voice muffled. “Thank you!”

Hermione emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later with pink cheeks and a sheepish smile.

“Sorry,” she mumbled, wiping her chin with the sleeve of her blouse. 

“Don’t worry.” Susan smiled and walked over to Hermione. She cupped Hermione’s cheeks and rested her forehead against hers. “It’ll be okay,” Susan whispered. “It’s not as scary as it seems and Harry is the perfect partner. He was so kind and gentle our first time. Forget everything the girls in your dorm have told you.”

“Can you stay?” Hermione asked in a whisper. She was trembling with excitement and fear. “I’d feel better if you did.”

Susan glanced at Harry from the corner of her eye, an idea springing into her mind. It wasn’t fair that only he was allowed to dole out punishments. 

Susan tilted Hermione’s neck and gently pressed her lips against Hermione’s. 

Hermione moaned against her lips and shyly looped her arms around Susan’s waist, pulling herself against the redhead’s curvy body. She parted her lips the minute Susan’s tongue swiped against them. A surprised gasp escaped her lips and she submitted to the experienced Hufflepuff immediately, allowing her free access to her mouth.

Susan toyed with Hermione’s tongue for a while, coaxing her into a playful duel before she had to pull away for air. A trail of drool connected their swollen lips and Susan made sure to stay close to Hermione to ensure that the connection wasn’t broken.

She turned her head slightly, her throbbing lips curving into a smile at the sight of Harry staring at them with his mouth open. 

“Do you mind if I stay, my lord?” she asked coyly.

“Uh… uh…” Harry shook his head to break the spell cast on him by the display put on by Hermione and Susan. “No, not at all,” he murmured. He licked his dry lips and got on his hands and feet, slowly crawling across the bed to join them.

“I’ll stay… only if you remain on the bed until we join you,” Susan declared dramatically. 


“Don’t worry. It won’t be long. We’ll join you as soon as our clothes are off.”

“What are you doing?” Hermione whispered.

“Just a little punishment for making you wait so long,” Susan whispered back. “I’m reasonably certain he’s had feelings for you for a year now.”

“You’re going to punish him?!” Hermione hissed with wide eyes.

“Not the way he punishes us. I’m feeling rather bratty tonight,” Susan murmured. Being with Hermione had flipped a switch in her brain. Instead of her usual shyness, she felt protective and provocative around the inexperienced girl. “Trust me, he’s going to love this very much,” she said with a wink.

“What are you two whispering about?” Harry asked suspiciously.

“Just deciding who will undress who first,” Susan answered cheerfully. “Hermione’s going first. You don’t mind, do you?”

“You’re… you’re going to undress each other?” Harry exhaled sharply. He leaned back against the pillows he had arranged, his arms extended and legs spread. His entire attention was focused on the girls. 

“Mhm!” Susan smirked. “We will climb onto the bed when we’re naked. You’re not allowed to climb off it. If you do, I’ll leave. Do you understand?”

“Yes ma’am,” Harry answered with a grin.

Susan pushed Harry out of her mind, not an easy task in the best of circumstances. It was nearly impossible in their current situation but she focused her entire attention on Hermione, eager to give her husband a good show. She leaned in and buried her face in the crook of Hermione’s neck, slowly kissing down her tanned skin. She kept going until she reached the top button of  Hermione’s blouse. It took a few tries but she managed to undo it with her teeth. The two halves of her shirt fell apart, allowing her a glimpse at the petite brunette’s perky cleavage.

 “No bra?” Susan whispered.

“Some days I go without one. Don’t particularly need it,” she mumbled, glancing ruefully at her rather lackluster tits. 

“They’re perfect,” Susan murmured, correctly interpreting the glance. “Let me give you proof of that.” She pulled away from Hermione and walked around until she stood behind her. Susan gently grabbed Hermione’s wrists and pulled her arms behind her back, forcing her to hold her left wrist in her right hand to lock her arms in place. The position pushed her chest out and Susan grinned when she noticed Harry’s gaze fixed squarely on the nubs poking through the thin white fabric.

She lazily unbuttoned Hermione’s shirt but used one hand to keep the two parts together, denying Harry a view of anything more than just a hint of cleavage.

“Say, please,” she teased, resting her chin on Hermione’s shoulder. As much as she liked being Harry’s perfect wife, she was enjoying this new bratty, playful side of hers just as much. 

“Susie…” Harry growled.

“Yes, darling?” Susan asked innocently.

“This is Daphne’s doing. You spend too much time with her,” Harry pretended to grumble.

“Thinking about Daphne, are we? Why, do you want her with us too?” Susan challenged teasingly.

“Uh… no? No!” Harry said after a moment’s hesitation.

“Well then, say please, dearest.”

“Please?” Harry whispered. Unable to help himself, he leaned forward. His breathing was ragged and erratic and all his attention was fixed on Hermione’s bosom. 

Susan released her grip on Hermione’s shirt. The blouse fluttered away, revealing the curve of Hermione’s pert mounds. She grabbed the stiff collar and tugged the shirt down Hermione’s arms until it was bunched up around her wrists, acting as a makeshift handcuff. 

“What do you think?” Susan asked, gently bouncing Hermione’s perky breasts on her palms. The girl was shivering with excitement. Neither she nor Harry were able to pull their eyes away from each other. 

“Magnificent,” Harry whispered. His half-hard cock throbbed against his jeans, begging to be freed.

“Never think they’re not enough. For the right man and woman, they’re absolutely perfect,” Susan whispered.


“I love them too,” Susan admitted, a hint of pink creeping into her cheeks. She gently pinched the brown nubs that crowned Hermione’s breasts and rolled them between her fingers, coaxing them to stiffness. Hermione moaned and squirmed in her arms.

“Request Harry to take off his pants and boxers,” Susan commanded in a whisper.

“Harry can you-”

Susan tutted, cutting Hermione off.

“What did you tell me you wanted to call him?” Susan asked with a grin.

“S-sir,” Hermione stammered with flaming cheeks. “Sir,” she corrected herself, raising her voice. “Can you please take off your pants and boxers?”

The girls watched Harry languidly carry out the request. He leaned back against the pillows once he was done, spreading his legs again to give the girls an unobstructed view.

“That’s for you,” Susan whispered, guiding Hermione’s attention to Harry’s impressive erection. His manhood was still at half-mast. “I reckon your ass will get him all the way there.”

“He’s going to get bigger?!” Hermione asked in a quiet gasp. 

“Mhm. You saw it, didn’t you?”

“I… h-how… yes, but…” Hermione stared at Harry’s twitching cock, lost for words.

Susan giggled and turned Hermione around, ignoring Harry’s disappointed groan. She winked at him. He’d have something else to stare at soon enough.

“Panties?” Susan asked, raising an eyebrow. 

“Yes,” Hermione whispered, blushing furiously.

“Good.” Susan popped open the button of Hermione’s jeans and pushed them down her legs, going down on her knees in front of her to make sure they pooled around her ankles. She made sure Harry’s attention was on Hermione’s firm tush before she rose and playfully smacked her ass. 

Harry’s eyes followed the gentle jiggle of the round asscheek, his manhood throbbing from unmet need. 

A trickle of precum leaked out of his tip and trailed down his length. Susan bit her lip at the sight, resisting the urge to walk over and taste it.

Susan stepped back and grabbed Hermione’s shoulder, bending her at the waist. Her messy brown curls cascaded around her face, blocking her view of what was going on. Susan placed her palm on the small of her back, forcing her to arch her back and push her bum up in the air for Harry.

“Do you want to spank Hermione’s perfect ass, dearest?” Susan asked, caressing a round cheek with the back of her hand. 

“Yes,” Harry asked. He absentmindedly wrapped a hand around his thick girth and began to stroke his shaft. 

“Is that her punishment for spying on us?”

“Yes,” Harry growled. 

“I don’t think she can hear you.” 

Someone had to take the initiative to make sure the two acted on their feelings for each other. And that someone, Susan had decided in the changing room, was her.

“I’m going to spank you as punishment for spying on us, Mione,” Harry growled. He frowned at her whimper, his concern for her overriding his need. “Say ‘red’ if you’re uncomfortable with the idea,” he added softly.

“That’s your safe word,” Susan said. “Do you understand?”

Hermione nodded.

“I don’t think she wants to use her safeword, my lord.” Susan peeled Hermione’s panties down her legs, letting them pool around her ankles as well. She helped Hermione step out of her clothes, then leaned over and spread her slick lips with two fingers to show Harry her dripping pink core. A thick trail of arousal leaked out of Hermione’s pussy and hung from the tip of her vulva, swaying perilously but not falling to the carpet below. 

Susan caught the arousal on a finger and popped it in her mouth, savoring the tangy taste. 

“How does she taste?” Harry asked with a grin.

“Delicious.” Susan reached down to gather more of Hermione’s arousal on her finger and held it out for Harry. She kept her other hand on Hermione’s back, keeping her pinned in place. “You can have a taste if you promise to go back to bed once you’re done.”

“Pinky swear.” Harry held up his little finger. “I’m enjoying the show far too much to interrupt it.” 

“Come here, then.” Susan curled the finger to beckon him, straightening it once he was closer. She bit her lip to suppress her moan when he wrapped his lips around the digit and began to suck it vigorously. She ignored the heat pooling in her belly, instead leaning forward to wrap her hand around the base of Harry’s shaft. They were both leaning over Hermione now, who was trapped between their bodies. She rested her head on his shoulder and carefully guided his tip to Hermione’s dripping core, teasing her entrance with it. 

Hermione could only moan and squirm given her position. She wiggled her hips in a futile effort to get more of Harry’s cock inside her needy pussy, to no avail. 

Susan kept teasing them until they were both worked up and ready to burst, only to pull Hermione away at the last minute. Hermione cried out and trashed against Susan’s hand trying to spear herself on Harry’s retreating cock. 

“Finger’s clean,” Susan said cheerfully, keeping Hermione pinned in place.

Harry playfully glared at his wife but pulled back to the bed. Whatever her game was, he liked it so far and was certain it would only get better as the night progressed. 

Susan helped Hermione onto her knees. She spread her legs, pushing the brunette’s head under her skirt.

“Take off my panties,” Susan said, keeping her gaze on her husband. He was staring at them, his hand lazily stroking his throbbing length. Trickles of precum leaked out of him and ran down his length. Susan licked her lips. “Quickly, sweetie. Or Harry’s going to finish without us.”

“My hands are tied.”

“Use your teeth.”

Hermione shyly reached up and bit down on the waistband of the lacy white panties, glad that the skirt hid her red face from view. She had never imagined herself with a woman before. Serving Susan like this was slightly humiliating but so, so exhilarating and arousing! 

She tugged the knickers down Susan’s creamy legs. The silky material slid down the redhead’s skin, quickly pooling around her ankles. Before Hermione could pull away, Susan pushed her hand under her skirt and buried it in her hair. Susan guided her lips to her labia and to the trickle of white leaking out from between her lips.

“I’m not greedy. Do you want a taste?” Susan asked. She lifted her skirt so Harry could see Hermione lick his cum from her pussy. 

Hermione’s eyes widened. Harry’s cum? From Susan’s pussy?!

“Yes, ma’am,” Hermione said, her tongue moving before her brain could catch up.

“Go on, then.” Susan quickly unbuttoned her sweater and pushed the straps of her bra down her arms, letting her heavy breasts bounce free. She pinched a nipple with her free hand and rolled the nub between her fingers, moaning softly and looking at Harry the entire time.

Hermione shyly poked her tongue out of her mouth and ran it along Susan’s slit, the redhead’s wanton moans prompting her to repeat her actions a few more times. She gathered every drop of Harry’s seed that leaked out of Susan, storing it safely in her mouth. It felt wrong to swallow it quickly, especially when she was enjoying its salty taste so much. She closed her eyes and hummed happily, losing herself in her task.

“Deeper!” Susan gasped. Her blue eyes remained fixed on Harry’s cock. She was unable to tear her gaze away from its hypnotic swaying as he stroked his length. 

Hermione obediently obliged. She pushed her tongue into Susan’s pussy, splitting her lips. A flood of cum leaked out of Susan, the white seed crashing onto Hermione’s face with a loud SPLASH. Hermione gasped and pulled away, instinctively turning to Harry at the sound of his groan. Her eyes remained shut, her eyelashes matted together from the cum coating them. 

Harry stared at Hermione, captivated by the sight of her cum-covered face.

“Greedy…” Susan tutted playfully.

“Sorry,” Hermione mumbled. 

“Don’t worry. I’ll get my fair share.” Susan shrugged off her sweater and unclipped her bra, letting it flutter to the floor. She unzipped her skirt and stepped out of it, finally as naked as Hermione was. 


Susan didn’t bother to answer. She lowered herself to her knees and made sure Harry was still watching before pulling Hermione in for a kiss. She pushed Hermione down onto the carpet and climbed on top of her, looking up at Harry as she ran her tongue across her skin, slowly lapping up all of Harry’s seed. 

Once she was done she pulled away and grabbed Hermione’s shoulder, helping the petite girl to her feet as well. Susan leaned in and kissed Hermione softly. This time Hermione was the one who deepened the kiss and their tongues met halfway, the girls freely exchanging the cum they had gathered.

Instead of pulling away when she broke the kiss, Susan leaned forward to whisper in Hermione’s ear.

The girls turned around to look at Harry, their cum-covered lips curving into smiles.

“We are ready for you, sir,” they said together. 


Daphne yanked her hand out of her shorts the minute she heard the curtains around her bed being pulled apart. She quickly pulled up the blanket to cover herself. She hadn’t bothered with any charms. Nobody was brave enough to disturb the Ice Queen of Slytherin when her curtains were shut. Nobody except-

“Tracey,” Daphne sighed, looking at her best friend with raised eyebrows. “What do you want?”

“If you’re done flicking the button, can we go down to the kitchens? I’m hungry.”

“Flicking… what?”

“You know, flicking the button? Smashing pleasure’s doorbell? Having a little ‘me time’?” Tracey said, staring pointedly at Daphne’s crotch.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Daphne said frostily.

“Sure you do!” Tracey tried to yank the blanket away from Daphne but was prevented from doing so by her. 

“Everyone has needs, Tracey. Even me,” Daphne admitted with a sigh when she saw Tracey sitting down on the edge of her bed. Her best friend wouldn’t leave until her curiosity was satisfied. Best to answer her questions as quickly as possible so she could get back to those captivating green-

“DAPHNE!” Tracey yelled, waving her hands in front of Daphne’s face.


“I asked you a question. Who are you thinking about?”

“No one.” 

“Come on. That doesn’t work. I know 'cause I tried it,” Tracey smirked. “Who is it? I promise I won’t judge.” Tracey paused, then added quickly, “Unless it’s Malfoy. Then I’ll totally judge you.”

“No one,” Daphne repeated. She held up her hand and wiggled her fingers. “Now, unless you want me to touch you with these fingers, you’ll let me wash them so we can go to the kitchens.”

“Fine. Keep your secrets. But whoever you’re imagining, he better be hot!”

Oh, he’s hot, Daphne thought as she walked over to the bathroom. Maybe even hot enough to melt my heart. 


Hello! A fluffy chapter, but one that I feel was much needed. After all, we need Hermione brains and Daphne's wit to help Harry defeat the evil toad and eventually, to defeat Voldemort! It took some coaxing, but Harry and Hermione have finally accepted their feelings for each other. I love Susan just being the leading things in this fic, even when it comes to Daphne. She's there to help them with their feelings and just take care of them. And Tracey! Who doesn't love little cameos by Daphne's sarcastic best friend?



I need more updates!!

Ice fox

Right I just have one complaint about your work on patreon it's always a wall of text do you think you could split it up some please you know put in a line breaks and stuff


Hey, are you reading in app? This is unfortunately an app issue and there is nothing I can do to fix it. The chapters are fine on Desktop, or if you join my Discord Server, you can stay updated on the Google Drive I am building to see other ways you can read my stories.

Brian Jordan

Assuming Daphne becomes the third wife of this expanding family, who will carry on the Greengrass family line? Or do other options - besides her sister Astoria - exist in that regard?