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Content Warnings: Striptease, Breast Play, Teasing.

“She will be fine, Mister Potter.”

Harry looked up at Madam Pomfrey’s smiling face. He tried to smile but could only manage a weak grimace.

It was nearly midnight. Fleur was still unconscious. She was the only patient in the Hospital Wing but Madam Pomfrey had still set up some screens to give them privacy and make sure nobody overly curious about the Tournament or the Champions disturbed them. She hadn’t kicked him out after the official visitation hours were over either, something for which he was grateful even though it didn’t matter. If she did ask him to leave, he planned to circle back around using a secret passageway and spend the night with Fleur.

“She’s not conscious,” Harry whispered, his voice hoarse. He had been whispering constantly since Gabrielle had left to send a letter to her parents. Hermione had accompanied her to give him some alone time with Fleur, which he appreciated greatly. Fleur was lying in bed, her face peaceful and her platinum-blonde hair arranged around her head like a halo. A sterile white blanket covered her body.

“Her body has been through a lot,” Madam Pomfrey murmured. She placed a reassuring hand on Harry’s shoulder and squeezed it. “First the venom, then the antidote that I administered. The antidote is almost as bad as the venom, to be quite honest. Not to mention the physical stress of the Task itself. Being underwater for an hour is no small thing for a Veela.”

“The antidote won’t kill her, right?”

Madam Pomfrey pulled out her wand and summoned a chair for herself with a silent charm. She sat down and studied Harry’s pale face in the dim candlelight.

“No, it won’t. There’s no risk to her from the antidote, it’s just a lot for her to handle,” she explained with a tired sigh. “I am going to recommend bed rest for a week once she’s conscious. And I will also ask her to sit out the Third Task.”

“Fat chance of that happening,” Harry snorted. He finally managed to summon the strength to smile. “She’s going to win the Tournament,” he said with a grin.

“You don’t hold similar aspirations?” Madam Pomfrey asked with a faint smile. He was pale. Far too pale. She got up from her chair, walked over to the medicine cabinet, and began rummaging through the potions. “You would be the first victor of the Triwizard Tournament in over half a century. A thousand galleons isn’t a small amount either.”

She pulled out a bottle of Pepper-Up and a small vial of Strengthening Potion, carrying it over to Harry.

“Nah. I’m just here for the ride and to cheer Fleur on. Although I’m pretending to compete with her to motivate her.” Harry raised an eyebrow at the potions in her hand. “Who is that for? How will you make Fleur drink that much Pepper-Up?”

“They’re not for Fleur. She doesn’t need them, Mister Potter. They’re for you,” Madam Pomfrey said, handing the bottle and vial to Harry.

“Me? I don’t need them,” Harry said, staring at the potions dubiously. Why was she fussing over him when Fleur needed her attention?

“Have you taken a look at yourself in the mirror recently, Harry?” Madam Pomfrey asked gently.

“I’m fine,” Harry insisted hotly. Why was she paying so much attention to the wrong person? “Doesn’t Fleur need more potions?” he asked, trying to gently nudge her in the right direction.

“What Miss Delacour needs is a lot of rest. Nothing more,” Madam Pomfrey replied with a knowing smile. She paused for a moment, then decided to change her approach. “To make sure my patients get the rest they need I only allow them visitors during official visitation hours. Once they’re over, everyone has to leave. Well, everyone except people who are also my patients,” she said, smiling and holding up the vials in her hand.

“Understood,” Harry replied, the grin returning to his face. He reached out and grabbed the vials, uncorking them both with his thumb.

“Of course, I will need to keep you overnight for observation. You can have the bed next to Miss Delacour,” Madam Pomfrey said. “I will inspect your body tomorrow but I fear you will need a strict regimen of potions to restore your health. It might take some time, perhaps even as long as it will take Miss Delacour to recover.”

“If that’s what you think is necessary, Madam Pomfrey,” Harry said, his solemn tone completely ruined by the massive grin on his face. He downed the potions in single gulps and handed the empty vials back to Madam Pomfrey.

Once she had left and pulled the screen back in place to give them some privacy, he reached out and grasped Fleur’s cold hand. He closed his eyes and said a silent prayer, wishing for a quick recovery for his love.


Five Days Later:

“Harry, I can walk!” Fleur mumbled with pink cheeks. She was leaning against her boyfriend and although she easily could have, she did not attempt to pull away from him. Her blush deepened when Harry wrapped his arm around her shoulders and she responded to the curious stares of the group of Hufflepuffs they passed with a nervous smile.

Harry simply shook his head and refused to pull away from her side.

“Madam Pomfrey said you need another week of rest with minimal physical activity,” Harry reminded her with a grin. The nurse had allowed him to stay in the Hospital Wing the entire time on the pretext of ‘monitoring’ his progress. This meant he hadn’t been away from Fleur except for when Dumbledore had taken him and Gabrielle to the lake so they could apologize to Humoc. Even five days together hadn’t diminished his desire to be close to his beautiful girlfriend. If anything, they had only gotten closer during their stay in the Hospital Wing, having conversations late into the night only to pretend to be asleep when Madam Pomfrey came by on her late-night rounds.

Harry hopped onto a staircase and helped Fleur on it, letting the floating stone behemoth carry them to the seventh floor and the Gryffindor Common Room. Their friends were waiting for them there, but Harry had strictly told them not to throw a party similar to the one the Twins had hosted after the First Task. Fleur needed rest, quiet, and absolutely none of the new inventions the Twins were looking to test on people. The staircase shuddered to a halt on the seventh floor and Harry led her down the hallway, thanking his stars that they hadn’t encountered more people along the way. Hermione had told him Draco had taken to pretending to be too weak to lift his knife during meals and he had no desire to run into the twat anytime soon.

The fewer opportunities he gave Snape to punish him, the more time he could spend with Fleur before she had to go back to France. He had spent a considerable amount of time during his stay in the Hospital Wing researching international portkeys and while they were incredibly pricey, he considered one an essential investment.

Maybe I should ask Sirius to get me one for Christmas.

“A sickle for your thoughts, my love?”

“I’m just thinking about my godfather,” Harry replied, wondering how much teasing he would have to endure if he did ask Sirius for a portkey.

“We should meet him during the summer holidays,” Fleur murmured, tightening her grasp on Harry’s arm.

“Bubble tea,” Harry muttered. He didn’t comment on Fleur’s suggestion. The realization that the Tournament (and the year) were quickly coming to an end was something he wanted to ignore for as long as he could.

The Fat Lady smiled and swung outward, revealing the entrance to the Gryffindor Common Room.

“And here we see the beautiful Veela and her mate, returned to us after a long exile!” Gabrielle proclaimed pompously. She jumped off the couch in front of the fireplace and theatrically bowed in the direction of the approaching couple.

Harry’s cheeks went right from pink to maroon when he saw that Fred and George were dressed in jester costumes with belled hats on their heads. They were holding heart-shaped boxes secured with red satin ribbons in their hands. They both got up from their armchairs and paused some distance behind Gabrielle, bowing even lower than she had.

“I thought I said no parties,” Harry hissed. He turned to glare at Gabrielle once he had helped Fleur onto the couch.

“You did. This isn’t a party. It’s a celebration,” Gabrielle replied, utterly unfazed. Hermione tried to move to make space for Gabrielle on the couch but she simply flopped on the girl’s lap and leaned up to peck her lips.

“And I said no gifts,” Harry said, staring at the boxes the Twins were holding dubiously.

“Not even your favorite chocolates from Honeydukes?” Fred asked, extending his box towards him.

“And for the Madame,” George added, bowing again before handing his box to Fleur.

“Also from Honeydukes?”

“Of course!” George pressed his palm against his chest. “When have we ever tricked the unsuspecting that you would doubt us so, ickle Harrikins?” he asked with a smirk.

“Not so ickle anymore, brother mine,” Fred playfully chided. He flopped into an armchair and pulled his twin down onto the one next to him. “He’s the only one of us bound to a woman. A true mate, if the rumors about what the Merfolk Chieftain told you are true. Our wee lad has grown up,” he said, wiping an imaginary tear.

“OI!” Gabrielle groused playfully. “I’m bound to a woman too. I bagged myself a sexy librarian,” Gabrielle murmured, leaning up to kiss Hermione again.

“We don’t need to hear what you make my poor friend wear in the bedroom, Delacour,” Harry teased, trying his best to hide a smile. Everyone could see how hard Gabrielle tried to hide her affection for Hermione. It was frankly adorable. He sat down in the space Fleur had left for him on the couch and turned to Gabrielle before continuing, “You have my blessing to date Hermione.”

“Don’t need it 'cause I’m not a lovesick moron like you, Potter.”

“Well, I’ve given it to you and I’m not taking it back,” Harry teased with a smirk.

“We aren’t putting a label on things, Harry,” Hermione said, reaching out to grasp Gabrielle’s hand. She interlaced their fingers together and squeezed the hand gently. “I’m happy with the way things are,” she murmured, kissing Gabrielle’s cheek shyly.

“Bound, Gabby?” Fleur asked softly. Without realizing it she had leaned into Harry’s side. She smiled when he opened his arms and allowed her to burrow into him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and began stroking the back of her hand with his calloused fingers. Fleur had to fight to keep her eyes open. She placed her hand on his chest so she could feel his heartbeat and rested her head on his shoulder. Her open hair spilled all around her, tickling Harry’s cheek as they cascaded down her back.

“I mean…” Gabrielle trailed off and shrugged. “It fits, I guess. Even though I’m usually the one doing the binding. You still owe me a new pair of handcuffs, babe.”

“Oh, do you need handcuffs?”

“Not from you, Weasley. I like my bedroom spicy, not filled with vomit because the cuffs you gave me are charmed to make my girlfriend puke uncontrollably.”

Harry and Fleur exchanged fond glances. Fleur had never seen her sister so cautious around anyone, let alone one of the women she was dating. As far as she knew, the fear of a breakup had never bothered her younger sister.

Neither had Harry seen Hermione so open with matters of the heart (or the bedroom, for that matter). Conversations of that nature were usually cut short by-

“Where’s Ron?” Harry asked suddenly.

“He was waiting with us to greet you too but dearest Lav-Lav finished her session with Professor Trelawney early so-” George rolled his eyes and jerked his thumb towards an armchair placed in one corner of the Gryffindor Common Room. “He’s sampling the new lip gloss.”

“Devouring it, by the look of things.”

“Quite right, Gred,” George said, glancing at his brother with disgust.

Harry turned and looked over, his eyebrows nearly disappearing into his hair at the sight of Ron entangled with Lavender on the couch. The armchair was by the window and shrouded in darkness, making it impossible to separate Ron and Lavender. They were entangled with each other, bodies pressed close and lips locked, oblivious to the world around them.

“Ickle Ronnikins has had his sexual awakening,” Harry said with a smirk.

“It’s funny, don’t you think?” Fred asked casually. He picked up his bottle of butterbeer and took a sip. “How all three of you landed gorgeous blonde girlfriends?”

“Quirk of fate, Monsieur Weasley,” Fleur replied, her cheeks pink.

“As long as Harry doesn’t start sampling your lip gloss, Madame, we should be fine.”

“You aren’t going to give me the same warning?” Gabrielle asked, pretending to glare at Fred. “Do you think my girlfriend doesn’t like ‘sampling my lip gloss’? Come here babe,” Gabrielle muttered, grabbing Hermione’s chin and pulling her closer.

“Gabby!” Hermione giggled. She gently grabbed Gabrielle’s shoulders to make sure the Veela couldn’t pull her any closer. “I don’t think they want to watch us kiss all night. I think they get enough of that from Ron.”

“I’m pretty sure nearly everyone in this room will disagree,” Harry muttered.

“Oh, yes,” George teased with a grin. “Please, go right ahead. Kiss all night if you want to.”

“Guys!” Hermione hissed, blushing furiously. Her blush only deepened when Gabrielle took advantage of the darkness and slipped her hand under her gray uniform skirt, gently stroking the inside of her thighs with her slender fingers. She clenched her thighs to prevent the hand from going any further but the resulting friction caused a suppressed whine to escape her lips.

“Mione, are you alright?” Harry asked.

Hermione nodded and hid her face in Gabrielle’s neck.

“She’s just tired. She had a big day,” Gabrielle murmured, deciding not to torture her poor girlfriend any further. She rolled her eyes at the looks her statement gathered. “She’s not tired because I fucked her all day, you perverts,” she muttered. “She was in the library the entire time, trying to come up with useful spells that you two-” she pointed at Harry and Fleur “-can use to safely navigate the maze they’ve erected on the Quidditch pitch.”

“The Third Task involves a maze?” Fleur asked softly. She pressed her palm against her mouth, stifling a yawn.

“Tired?” Harry whispered.

Fleur shook her head stubbornly, even though her pale face and drooping eyelids made it clear that she was lying.

“-they ruined a perfectly fine Quidditch pitch and… OI!” Gabrielle reached out and snapped her fingers in front of Harry’s face before he could lean in and capture Fleur’s lips.

“What?!” Fleur asked crossly, glaring at her sister. “I thought you were going to bed.”

“I have mail for you.”

“You could have given it to me tomorrow,” Fleur groused. She glanced at Harry’s perfect lips, heat pooling in her belly as she imagined them exploring every curve of her body. The swell of her bosom, down the valley of her abdomen, down… down between her legs…



“Do you want me to toss this in the fire, dearest sister?” Gabrielle smirked as she held up the letter from Gringotts.

Fleur’s eyes widened. She pushed herself away from Harry, reached out, and snatched the letter from Gabrielle’s hand.

“You opened it?” she asked, examining the broken seal.

“I was impatient and didn’t want to wait until you got out of the Hospital Wing. Sue me,” Gabrielle answered with a shrug. “You got it by the way.”

“I did?!”

“Got what?” Harry interjected with a frown, utterly confused by the entire conversation.

“I applied for an internship at Gringotts, mon amour. I didn’t say anything because I wasn’t sure I’d get it,” Fleur said, giddy with excitement. Her hands trembled as she ripped open the envelope and pulled out the letter inside. Her eyes quickly scanned the neat handwriting, trying to ensure her sister wasn’t joking.

“An internship. At Gringotts. In London. Why?”

“Well, she’ll need something to do while you’re off saving the world or fighting evil creeps or whatever it is you plan to do next year, Potter,” Gabrielle said with a smirk.

“You’re not going back to France?” Harry asked dumbly.

“Why would I?” Fleur asked innocently, as if the thought hadn’t even crossed her mind. It hadn’t. She had never once considered going back and living away from Harry. She knew now that she belonged by his side, and he by hers.

“A Veela can’t leave her mate! Death would be preferable,” Gabrielle declared dramatically. “In this case, I doubt even death would keep my sister away from her mate,” she smirked.

“I think it’s time for you to go to bed, Gabby,” Fleur warned. She glared at her sister, silently warning her to tread carefully.

“I think it’s time for all of us to go to bed,” Harry murmured, studying Fleur’s pale face. She was exhausted. Madam Pomfrey had advised another week of rest and minimal activity and he intended to make sure she followed the nurse’s instructions. He grasped her hand and laced their fingers together, gently pulling her off the couch and to her feet. He tugged on her hand and led her to the staircase that went up to his dormitory, his cheeks turning pink at the sound of hoots and catcalls from Gabrielle and the Twins.

His dormitory was thankfully empty. Only Neville was on his bed, carefully pruning a potted plant that looked a lot like Hornwort.

Harry and Fleur waved at him as they passed his bed, receiving a polite wave in return.

“Your friend loves plants, oui?” Fleur asked, watching Neville work while Harry pulled the curtains around his bed and only turning around when her view of the shy Gryffindor was blocked by the maroon curtain.

“Yep. His grandmother thinks it’s a useless passion but I’m going to write to her and let her know he’s the only reason we got through the Second Task.”

“That is very nice of you,” Fleur said softly. She turned around, the pink returning to her alabaster cheeks when she saw that Harry had pulled the quilt to one side of the bed and was fluffing the pillows. “I can go back to the carriage, Harry,” she offered.

“Absolutely not,” Harry said with a frown. “It’s cold and that’s a long walk. Even if that wasn’t the case Madam Pomfrey told us that you need all the warmth you can get. She practically ordered me to cuddle you every night,” Harry reminded her with a grin.

“You are uncomfortable.”

“Whatever gave you that idea?” Harry asked, tossing stuff from his nightstand into his trunk to make space for her things.

“You did not seem happy to hear that I would be staying back in England,” Fleur said. She tugged on her shirt sadly and shuffled her feet. She didn’t want to sound too needy but she had expected a vastly different reaction to the news that she would be with him even after the year was over.

Harry stared at her incredulously, too stunned to speak. After several seconds of awkward silence, he rushed to her and cupped her cheeks, pulling her closer for a quick kiss.

“I love that you’re thinking about staying here next year as well. But I don’t want you to live away from your family and somewhere you don’t like,” Harry murmured against her soft, pink lips.

“Gabrielle is staying here too. Mama and Papa can visit us whenever they want to,” Fleur said with a giggle.

“Gabrielle is transferring to Hogwarts?” Harry asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Do you think she can stay away from Hermione for a week, let alone an entire year?” Fleur asked with a smirk.

Harry laughed and shook his head.

“And me, mon amour,” Fleur whispered coyly. She rested her arms on his shoulders and wrapped them around his neck, pulling herself closer until her body pressed against his firm chest and abdomen. The potions Madam Pomfrey had made him drink had clearly had an effect on his body and Fleur had no intention of complaining. She tilted her head and looked up at her perfect boyfriend, giving him a shy smile.

“Do you think I can stay away from you for too long?” she whispered, her hot breath tickling Harry’s cheeks. She leaned in until their lips were almost touching. “Can you? Or would you want me close?” she asked softly.

“I thought you didn’t like England,” Harry whispered, his mouth suddenly bone-dry.

“There are some parts that I don’t like,” Fleur admitted honestly. “But there are also things I can’t live without.”

“Fleur?” Harry murmured, leaning in to kiss the corner of her mouth. “Will you stay the night?”

“If you’ll have me.”

“I’ll always have you.”

Fleur smiled and gently took Harry’s hand, leading him to the bed. She didn’t climb in, however, staring at the well-made bed with a frown.

“I don’t have any clothes, Harry.” She looked at the powder-blue Beauxbatons uniform her sister had gotten her in the Hospital Wing. “I don’t want to sleep in my uniform.”

“Uh…” Harry scratched the back of his head as he pondered over what they could do. He blushed when he remembered the instructions Madam Pomfrey had given him in her office before discharging them. “You could borrow one of my shirts but Madam Pomfrey told me skin-to-skin contact and warmth will speed up your recovery.”

“Skin-to-skin…” Fleur’s eyes widened. “You want us to sleep in the nude?!”

A quiet, embarrassed squeak caught their attention. They whirled around, sporting identical blushes when they realized Neville could hear what they were talking about.

Fleur whipped out her wand and sealed the curtains so they could only be opened from the inside with a quick charm. She added a noise-canceling spell to the fabric before whirling around to face Harry.

“Are you sure that is what she said? Or is this an attempt to get us naked in your bed, Monsieur Potter?” Fleur asked. Despite her red cheeks and shaky voice, she felt more confident than she had her entire life.

“I’ll, uh, I’ll still be wearing my boxers so that there’s no, uh, no unnecessary… exertion,” Harry stammered.

“That’s not what I asked, Harry.”

“Madam Pomfrey did mention that skin-to-skin contact will help, yes,” Harry murmured.

“And she told you to make sure I follow all her orders, didn’t she?”

“Y-yes. But this was more… well, a suggestion, I think,” Harry mumbled. “You don’t have to if you’re uncomfortable. I’ll grab you one of my shirts-”

Fleur pressed a finger against his lips, causing him to stop dead in his tracks. She reached up with her free hand and slowly began to undo the buttons of her blouse, only stopping once the last button was undone and the silky fabric hung loosely off her frame.

“I plan to be a very good girl and obey all her instructions, Monsieur Potter,” Fleur whispered, walking closer. Her blouse parted, giving Harry a clear view of her simple, lacy white bra and the creamy mounds it was struggling to contain.

“We’re going to sleep,” Harry said seriously, his concern for her well-being overriding his shyness. “Nothing else,” he murmured. His cock stirred in his trousers, protesting his declaration.

“Oui. Only sleep.” She rolled her shoulders, pushing her blouse off her body. She turned once it had fluttered to the floor, presenting her back to Harry. “Can you help me with the strap please?” Fleur asked, pulling her hair out of the way.

“’arry?” she murmured when Harry didn’t respond.

“Hmm?” Harry grunted. He reluctantly pulled his eyes away from her shapely bum. “Is everything alright?”

“Yes,” Fleur giggled. “The strap. Can you undo it please?”

Harry reached out and grabbed the strap of her bra. He tugged on the clasp with increasing amounts of force but it refused to budge.

“Gently, mon amour. Take your time. I’m not going anywhere,” Fleur said, giggling happily.

It took him nearly a minute of struggling but he managed to undo the clasp. He pulled the straps down her arms and stepped away to allow her to turn around.

“You don’t have to take it off,” Harry offered, going against every instinct in his body. His eyes flickered to the hand keeping the bra pinned to her chest.

“But you want me to?” Fleur asked, her blue eyes sparkling with happiness. She was used to lust. But there was something deeper, something inexplicable in Harry’s eyes that made her feel like she was the sexiest woman on the planet.

“Yes,” Harry whispered. He licked his dry lips and tried to look up at her but was unable to pull his eyes away from her bosom.

“If you’re going to sleep in your boxers it’s only fair that I wear nothing more than underwear too, non?” Fleur asked, pulling her hand away from her chest. The bra fluttered to the floor and her freed breasts bounced gently. Her blush deepened when she realized his gaze was fixed on their gentle swaying. Goosebumps erupted all over her arms and the pink nubs crowning her heavy, tear-drop-shaped breasts hardened within seconds. Her stiff nipples flushed, darkening a shade as they begged for attention from the man who had captured her heart.

“Only fair,” Harry agreed with a smile.

“Your turn,” Fleur whispered. She reached out and toyed with the top button of his white shirt. “Shall I?”

Harry finally tore his eyes away from her breasts and raised his neck to allow her easy access to his maroon and gold tie. He watched as she undid the knot and gracefully pulled it free of his neck, allowing the light fabric to flutter to the floor.

“So many scars…” Fleur’s worried eyes studied the skin she was baring as she unbuttoned his shirt. She carefully pushed it away from his body until the garment dangled from his wrists. “How did you get them?” she asked, leaning in to unbutton the cuffs of his shirt. Her soft breasts pressed against the firmness of his chest and Fleur shivered as the tanned skin pushed back against her stiff nipples.

“Which one?”

“All of them. I want to know the story of each and every one of them,” Fleur whispered, gently running a hand over his defined pecs. She moved lower, her fingers going through the trail of hair that disappeared into the waistband of his trousers. She paused when she reached the button of his pants. “Together?” she asked.

“Together,” Harry murmured, leaning in to kiss her forehead.

She grinned and grabbed his wrists with her free hand, placing his hands on her slender waist. She popped open the button of his pants at the same time he unzipped her skirt and both of them wiggled their hips together in a little dance. Their garments pooled around their ankles and they took a step closer to each other almost at the same time, eliminating the distance between them. Fleur looked up at Harry, her eyes wide with wonder.

“To bed?” Harry asked, gently pushing a stray strand of platinum blonde hair away from her eyes.

“Mhm. As long as I get to be the big spoon. My bum is too big to be the little one,” Fleur teased. She tried to keep her tone light but she knew there was truth to her words. He’d told her she was perfect on a number of occasions but would he change his mind once he saw her, truly saw her?

Would he want his Veela mate to be a real Veela? Someone like her sister, ethereal and fairy-like?

“Your bum is perfect,” Harry murmured.

“Your hands are too high to make that judgment, mon amour. But thank you.”

Harry gently lowered his arms and locked them around the swell of her hips. The back of his right hand caressed the curve of her asscheeks until he felt her melt into his arms, her lower lip trapped between her teeth in an attempt to stifle her increasingly needy moans.

“Still think it’s perfect,” Harry grinned.

Fleur smiled and allowed him to pull her into bed with him. He climbed in first and she got comfortable by his side, turning so her back pressed against his chest. The bulge in his boxers pushed against her butt and once she got over her shock at its size she playfully wiggled her bum to see if she’d get a reaction.

“Fleur!” Harry groaned as his cock throbbed underneath the boxers. It strained against the thin cotton fabric, almost as if it was trying to spring free and eliminate the unwanted barrier between itself and the soft, supple skin of her asscheeks. “We are going to sleep!” he growled, tilting his hips away from her. His arm was trapped under her head, however, and there was no way for him to get too far or to turn and angle his crotch away from her ass.

“Mhm! I’m just trying to get comfortable,” Fleur protested in an innocent voice. “This is my first time sharing a bed with someone. Can you wrap your other arm around me so I’m cocooned by your warmth?”

“What do you mean?”

“Let me do it.” She grabbed his wrist and pulled his arm around him, placing it in such a way that his hand had no choice but to rest on her pillowy breasts. Even the tiniest of movements caused his calloused fingers to brush against her nipples. “Perfect,” she whispered, shivering in his arms.


“Goodnight, mon amour.” She pulled the blanket over them and turned her head slightly, using the pillow to hide her smile.

“Goodnight, Fleur.”


Harry would wake up the next morning having not slept a wink, but somehow still having enjoyed every second of his sleepless night.


The chapter was mostly romance cause I think we can all agree we need more of Harry and Fleur spending time together. I think a lot of you will argue that we need more of Hermione and Gabrielle as well, lol. If I didn't have other responsibilities and a new place to understand and live in, and if I had two more hands to type stories I'd write something Hermione and Gabby focused right away. The next chapter will have more plot, but for now our two protagonists are just enjoying some well-deserved time together!


Nova Sana

*sigh* sometimes a sweet romance can be the perfect thing! Bravo!