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This article is the same as the previous "Doodle dump [Sep. 2023]" post, but I recommend this one in that you can download the full-size image.

この記事は、以前の「Doodle dump [Sep. 2023]」と投稿内容は同じですが、原寸画像をダウンロードできるという点でこちらがおすすめです。

The first piece this month is Rand from BoF2. I wanted to be faithful to the original design of the Sirens, the enemy, but I had to tamper with it quite a bit, considering people who don't like skin tones and the existence of the problem that they hide many things with their wings. (Why do I feel compelled to draw it faithfully when the less faithful it is to the original in the first place, the less trouble it would cause to the fans of the characters...)

I will post every time I draw something this month too. I hope you enjoy them. (I changed my submission format this month to add captions to the illustrations. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to let me know.)





Styx Renegade

How do you choose ideas on what to draw next?


I think I have a "queue of things I want to draw" in my brain, and ideas accumulate or are interrupted, and I basically draw them in that order. However, I am not a fast drawer, so usually I only draw new ideas (like boobie tiger) that interrupt at the top of the queue, and the old ones are forgotten.