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  I've recently gotten into the original characters creation. After all, I love the fact that I can proudly put boobs on dragon's chest. I hope you are enjoying them.

  Doodle dump for March 2023:


  !VIOLENT Doodle dump (maybe I don't post a lot):



  2023年3月の絵置き場 [Doodle dump for Mar. 2023]: 


  過激表現を含む絵置き場 [Violent doodle dump]: 




Styx Renegade

Hot and hilarious. Dick stealing Salazzle


It's complex for me. I love big boobs, but I also love "authentically exotic" reptile body. So, when I make my own designs, I tend to create flat reptile women. But, I still enjoy big boob reptile too... Especially when big boob is slapped...


Oh, and I think original characters is best! These corporations don't need free effort towards them, the ideas are better when they are your ideal. Nintendo keeps suing fans and recently on USA side the company "Wizards of the Coast" tried to destroy the Tabletop RPG community. So it's just... Original characters are best. The corporations need to be shown "Official design isn't unique, we can make our own dragon of similar shape."


I love your original characters! Seeing you flexing your creative muscles is great! Also the penis stealing Salazzle is a very silly concept but I like it, it's hot in an unique way... Would that make Charizard and Feraligatr technically female?


I see. Maybe I could understand what you say. I'm always feeling sorry for my paying contents contain a lot of nintendo characters. As you say, original character is best.


Thank you! It's really interesting to create characters :D And yes, they're female temporary haha.


This month is looking spicy!!! Loving it, keep up the lovely work!


These new pictures are really hot, who is she?


Actually, He is a male! Hydoor from "Live a hero." I'm drawing him laying eggs for request.


Totally up for more violent kind of posts.


oh the link to the violent one is dead, could you post it again?


OK, I can access the link for myself actually but some of the links can be dead because of imgur's change. Here is the link for the file containing all the pictures I've uploaded to imgur. (I was using imgur before April 2023.) https://mega.nz/file/RHtExB5K#SXF2H-D-mT75On6mJ5kuEJJtHS8oR3R18feQp74RVtk