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Hi everybody! The past couple of weeks have been a little hectic (I’ve been apartment hunting). I haven’t forgotten about the Q&A video. I’ve only gotten 2 responses so far, so make sure to email me or leave a comment here if you want me to answer a question. I also want to start the next suggest/vote soon. I’m going to try and amend it a bit to make sure that more of you get to see your suggestions turned into videos. I just signed the lease on a new apartment, so I’ll do those as soon as I’m settled in.

Also, in an effort to try and keep this channel fresh and increase my output, I want to try implementing shorter videos as well as experimental and collaborative videos. I will bring this up again when I’m getting closer to posting them. In order to make you feel good about getting what you expect from this channel, I will only post short/experimental/collaborative videos as the second video in a month. So, if you decide that you do not want to support these videos, you can simply change your max pledge to once a month. Again, I’ll talk more about this later.

Thanks so much for your continued support!




Tyler_ The Blade Runner Video was brilliant as always. You took on a very very tough cinematic achievement and earned Off_World glory_¥. Very nice job. I really enjoyed it. Your intelligence and Cine_eDIting are nexus_6 all the way. I have met and talked to Dr. Eldon Tyrell several times at Monsterpalooza in Burbank. Joseph Tutkel is an amazing person to meet. I gave him a Kubrick T-Shirt my brother bought for my birthday. He loved it and gave a free autograph. Jim


Thanks! This one was really fun to research. I was so happy when got ahold of all those issues of Starlog. There is some great stuff in there. That’s so cool that you got to meet Joseph Turkel!