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Since this was a thematic analysis, there weren’t any research materials. I’ve uploaded the transcript, the stills I used, and the original video from 2013. As you know, I tried to launch a film channel a few years ago and my first video got flagged by Content ID. I think, in all, it got about 24 views. I should be glad because my VO is ridiculous—I sound like I’m putting myself to sleep. That said, it’s kind of a nice way to see how far I’ve come.


Thank you so much for your continued support.




I really enjoyed your analysis of the film! I haven't seen the film and the over-the-top violence will probably keep me from doing so, but I found it very interesting how the director used lighting techniques and camera angles to convey the good vs. evil conflict in Bateman. I never would have spotted this without your explanation. Thanks so much for re-releasing your video!


Thanks! That makes me so happy to hear! If you can believe it, I pretty much showed nearly all the film’s violence in the video. A lot of the murders aren’t shown (e.g. he meets someone and then it cuts to him later with a lock of their hair). I would say there is very little to no gore in the film. The book, on the other hand, is ridiculous. I couldn’t stomach very much. What’s fascinating to me is that, through being adapted by two women, it takes on almost a new meaning. Harron mentioned once that she felt that the sex scene with the prostitutes in the book was written like a letter to Penthouse, so she decided to shoot it that way—like an absurd male fantasy of what sex should be like. Whether or not this was intended by Ellis, there is a certain sensibility in the film that was missing from what I read of the novel.