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Hi everybody! Sorry for my silence lately—I had a couple of

medical issues that needed to be sorted out. I wanted to give you guys a quick

update with how things are going. I’m trucking along on the next part of How

Kubrick Made 2001: A Space Odyssey. I’ve been learning After Effects recently

and I just made a little animation to help explain the separation process.

Here’s a little preview:


I have also finished writing the transcript for a video on

how Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke began their collaboration, which I think

you’ll really dig.

Also, we’ve surpassed 15 patrons! You will now be able to

suggest movies for some What I Learned From Watching episodes! I’m going to

send out an email with the details soon.

Thanks so much for your continued support!



Looking forward to your next installment on 2001!


Cool, I didn't even realise there was another video about 2001 on the way. I hope you're doing okay, though.