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Hi everybody! So this is something new I'm trying out to help raise some more money. This is a PDF with a selection of particularly interesting passages/notes I came across while researching this episode, along with some short writings, and mini character-bios for the people featured in this episode. Going forward, I hope to answer longer comments in this format in order to allow more thought to be put into my responses and maybe I'll get some other video essayists I know to contribute some short articles. We'll see what the response is...

I've attached the 15-page Companion PDF for Episode 1 to this post, so you can download it. Starting with episode 2, all Companion PDFs will be available to $5 patrons. People will be able to purchase the Companion PDF for $1 or get access to all of them by supporting on Patreon at the $5 tier. Enjoy!

P.S. Please let me know if you have any ideas on how to make the next one better!

Thanks so much for your continued support!




how about something regarding richard donner? between the omen, superman, and lethal weapon, i think he's worth a look! especially as the omen made it so that star wars could be made!


Don't know how I missed this. Thanks for the suggestion! I didn't know about the Omen leading to Star Wars! Sounds fascinating-- I'll have to look into that. Thanks!


thank you!