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So, I found these photos taken by the crew of There Will Be Blood from some random small website that is no longer online. It was quite a while ago, but I think one popped up on Google Image Search and it lead to a defunct website. I did a lot of finessing with the Wayback Machine on the Internet Archive and managed to find a bunch of other pictures. They seem to be someone's personal photos that don't really show the filmmaking process, but they are interesting nonetheless. I'll include any info that I have from my research to help have some of the pictures make more sense. 

Robert Elswit at the monitors. June 16, 2006

Costume designer Mark Bridges.

Karaoke night. June 25, 2006

Kevin J. O'Connor who played Henry. 

Paul Thomas Anderson's wife, Maya Rudolph. 

PTA with fireworks. June 30, 2006

Thanks so much for your continued support!




Nice, thank you for sharing Tyler!