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Hi everybody! A couple months ago, I went to a Coen Brothers-inspired art show in NYC. Watch the video for a tour of the show!

You can buy the prints I talk about here: https://bit.ly/2G2fXit

Here are some of my favorite pieces from the show:

1. Anton Chigurh by Adam Caldwell

2. Raising Arizona Nesting Dolls by Andy Stattmiller

3. Hey, Careful Man, There's a Beverage Here by Anna Tillett

4. Shut the F*ck Up, DONNY! by CodecZombie

5. Anton and Llewlyn by Conception Studios

6. It's a Mess, Ain't It? by Dan Grissom

7. I'll Be Taking These Huggies by Eleni 

8. These Fuckin Amateurs by Evanimal

9. The Big Lebowski - Bowling Rules by Guillaume Morellec

10. I'm With You Fellas by Liz Vowles

11. Good Night Sweet Prince by Max Dalton

12. Love Me by Ryan Berkley 

Thanks so much for your continued support!


O Coen, Where Art Thou?

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