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Hi everybody! Here are some differences from the script that didn't make it into the video. A fair amount is withheld in the script about Ali's character and there is an actual exchange of gunfire. Check it out!


You’ll see near the bottom that, in the script, the scene specifically starts with a shot from inside the well, but it appears that it was originally supposed to be a reflection in the water at the bottom of the well. 


One interesting thing here is the sheer amount of parentheticals. This is pretty unusual by today’s standards, but it is an interesting way to direct the acting in the script itself. In Stephen M. Silverman’s book David Lean, cinematographer Freddy Young said, “Peter was uncanny… The script would say what Lawrence was thinking and Peter would capture that” (Silverman 138). Here, we see the mindset of Lawrence’s companion, Tafas. 

Also, there is a description of the splash of the water bag getting Lawrence’s attention. David Lean had said that he wanted the scene to develop gradually and this is a great way to introduce the stranger before we even know what’s going on. 


Here is where some notable differences begin—rather than being shot immediately after getting his gun, the man stands with his gun preparing for the encounter. 


This is a very interesting difference. Tafas manages to get a shot off and Ali jumps (or falls) from his camel. Ali also picks up the gun first. 

You’ll see what follows is an almost completely reordering of the dialogue. The bit about Ali going to school in Cairo isn’t in the script, nor is the compass, nor is Ali’s offer to take Lawrence to Prince Feisal. 

Thanks so much for your continued support!



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