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Alrighty. I'm gonna ask this, quick and simple.

Should Ghost boyo have a small dick? Or YUGE dick?



If I can't have a big penis, I don't think it's fair for him to have one. Just saying



The Bolo

Seems like he’s gonna get a big peen

Hechicero Angel

I know where this is going. It's going to be one of those stories with: "You can be a creep as long as you have a giant dick". A classic, but a very boring one.

Hechicero Angel

-Everyone: "If he has a small dick, then how will he fuck Jay's massive ass?!!!" -Me: "I don't know. Maybe not everything has to resolve around ass-fucking?" -Everyone: "Screw that! Ass-fucking it's all that matters!" -Me: "Geez, no wonder our species is screwed."


I mean, the whole comic is based around a ghost either cheek hotdogging or fugging Jay not sure what you're expecting