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What do you think is missing from my art, and that you'd like to see more of?

I feel that I haven't really had much input lately on my art, and I'm curious what others think my work would need. It's always helpful having some input.



Was thinking of some more lore and expansion of the Puwa world, maybe show them at jobs or different kinds of Puwa society and biology.

Lapin Beau

While I have no "problem" with anything you draw (Would like more Douglas but that's just me), some worldbuilding/character development would make everything feel more alive. Characters interacting and bouncing off of each other. Like that comic with Douglas and the baseball pitching machine.


I love your art work. I see nothing wrong with it just keep up comics and I will show you my $5 love lol


I'd like more ass worshipping and ALOT of Jay


big dongs!

Pig Feeler

various kinds of taboo. Maybe a puwa feels self conscious about being a bottom despite absolutely loving it; maybe a human is cheating on his partner with a puwa; that sort of thing.


I know it is a difficult thing to do but please do not take our lack of input as lack of interest. As fleshy creatures who survived through deadly trial and error we are wired to retain negative experiences for far longer than positive ones. This basic behavioural tendency is very far reaching into our day to day lives, so much so it even can hurt a long running relationship. We can end up remembering and focusing on every mistake and every negative thing that happened in a day but completely forget the compliment or the door being held for you. Silence is neutral but human beings interpret it as negative because we also don't handle unknowns very well. I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't over think it man. I love what you do so keep up the good work. Also I'm not hard to please. Cute bois, big butts, sexy outfits and the occasional down and dirty ground pound is good nuff for me.


That makes sense. I do worry when responses are low. Cute boys and big butts will definitely be coming though~

Reed A. Saur

I'd love to see more world building stuff as well, Puwa are fascinating in general.