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Based off of World of Horror by Panstasz.

$3+ Patrons can suggest one image a month to be turned into caption stories. Here are the rules of submission. This image and story was suggested by BloatedNekoSugarGirls.


(All characters are over 18)

"Thank you for agreeing to be my taste tester for today." The creepy masked shopkeeper said as they gathered an armful of ingredients and brought over to an archaic cauldron in the middle of the room.

"No problem." Moriko said as she sat uncomfortably in the corner.

Moriko had been looking for a quick gig to earn a bit of summer cash and this unnerving shopkeeper randomly approached her to become their taste tester. Apparently they wanted to expand their business and set up a bakery nearby and wanted to try out some recipes on her.

"I'll be using an old recipe but I'll try to put a modern twist to it." The shopkeeper said as they read from the oldest looking book Moriko ever seen. They dumped piles dough, sugar and frostings into the cauldron alongside large bottles of glowing and cloudy liquids.

Out of the cauldron came billows of smoke and steam so thick that they almost looked tangible before something that appeared to be a large donut with blood red frosting and little arms and legs made out of cooked dough crawled out of the pot. It clambered out of the cauldron alongside droves of cookies, eclairs, cupcakes, macaroons and many other kinds of mobile sweets. In only a few moments, Moriko found herself surrounded by hundreds of moving delicacies.

"This is amazing!" She exclaimed, gently picking up the first donut in her hands, examining it and playing around with it a little bit. "What kind of recipe was that?"

"It was something called 'Self Feeding Desserts.'" The shopkeeper explained. "It's something European nobility made at particularly private parties. I may have overdone it though. This recipe was meant to feed a wedding party of over a hundred people. 

"What does 'self feeding' mean..." Moriko started to asked but was immediately answered when the donut she was holding jumped into her mouth, forcing itself down her throat and into her stomach. Quickly the rest of the assembled baked goods followed suit, climbing and jumping onto her to try and make way to her mouth.

Moriko instinctively tried to get up and run away but the food golems grabbed her leg and toppled her to the ground. Laying helplessly on her stomach, Moriko tried to keep her lips tightly sealed but the foods were strong enough to pry it open and squeeze themselves through. She look towards the shopkeeper for help but they just looked on while taking notes of what was happening.

The culinary spell, created in pre-medieval Europe where fat was a sign of nobility and health, was designed to help the elite become more padded with every bite but this was worse since this batch was made using modern, high sugar and fat desserts. With every crumb that she was forced to digest, her body grew slightly more and more. It wasn't long before she had tripled in sized and her clothes started tearing off her body. Unfortunately for Moriko, one of the first area was the seat of her pants, exposing her flabby butt cheeks and the living food realized that they now had another way into her digestive tract. Moriko could do nothing but shriek through a full mouth as she felt them start squeezing their way through her tight 'backdoor,'

This continued for over an hour, with Moriko stuck on the ground while the multitude of food items stuffed her on both ends with every crumb adding to her waistline. Eventually, the last few cookies crawled their way into her gullet and between her rear and. Having eaten and digested enough goods to feed a large wedding party. She now weighed over 400 pounds, with her swollen belly lifting up her tubby body almost a foot from the floor like she was laying on top of a poorly inflated exercise ball. Moriko was temporarily immobile from her new weight and the overwhelming soreness in her overtaxed stomach and rear. She couldn't even bring herself to talk, only able to release a loud belch accompanied. This was followed by an extensive fart that shot out a small cloud of powdered sugar that had accumulated by and inside her back end.

The shopkeeper just continued to watch on and take notes.

"Very good." They said. "My culinary knowledge had grown almost as much as you have!" 

The shopkeeper pulled out a wad of cash and shoved it into Moriko's fat folds before wandering out of the room to refine their recipe, leaving the fattened young woman to writhe and jiggle impotently on the floor.



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