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Cindy and Annie were both invited to a high class island resort owned by a pharmaceutical company. The terms of the invitation was very generous, all they had to do was help test a new drug and they could stay at the resort as long as they wanted, all expenses paid.

They took a private jet to the island and we're directed to resort's buffet to meet with their handler, who sat them down at a large table and gave each of them a pill and a glass of water.

"Thank you for coming and agreeing to assist us with testing our new dietary supplement. All we need from you is for you to take the medication and to eat a meal alongside it." The handler explained.

"So all we have to do is take this pill and eat lunch and we can go relax on the beach as much as we want." Cindy asked.

"That's right." The handler said.

Cindy and Annie looked at each other before swallowing the pills with water. They then dug into the buffet with gusto. They suddenly found themselves quite famished and soon they had eaten five meals worth of food within half an hour.  It wasn't until their fingers were too fat to handle their forks did they notice the changes occurring in their bodies.

They both began to seemingly inflate with fat as heavy layers of pile onto every inch of their bodies until they were 400 pounds heavier than when they arrived. Their heads became so engrossed in adipose that they found it impossible to turn their necks. Their bellies grew into huge swollen, bloated orbs and their limbs and digits turned into thick sausage like appendages that struggled with even minor movements. Soon, their pattern of growth began to differ as each girl's body started to expand in it's own special way.

Cindy's ass began to grow until it's width was twice as large as her already obese body, the her flab of her backend engulfing and overflowing on the already strained chair until broke apart underneath her incredible girth. Annie, meanwhile, saw her bust grow to absurd sizes, each being as big as her massive belly, causing her to fall over from an imbalanced body.

As the two humongous, fat women finally stopped growing in size, they found a painful pressure growing within them. Unable to stop themselves, they let loose a torrent of long and loud farts, each sounding wetter than the last. They couldn't stop the endless gassy build up from erupting from their other end as well, repeatedly belching with no ability to hold it in.

"What... BRRAAP!!... the hell... BEELCCH!!!" Annie struggled to say.

"Can... *BUURPPP!!* stop... *FFRRRRRRTTTT!!!*" Cindy as the outpouring of gas from her mouth made it impossible to talk and the overwhelming need to push out flatulence from her oversized ass made it hard to think.

"Thank you for your assistance,. The results you've provided will help us immensely with our research and our future endeavors. You can now visit the beach and leave the resort as early as tonight if you wish. " The handler said with a smug grin.

Both attempted to get up but it only resulted in them farting more from the exertion, their bodies too fat and weak to do anything else. They also tried to protest, but only more burps emerged from their throats.

"Well if you need assistance in  getting to your destination we've prepared "guides" to help you to the island's sandy shores."

Two men pulling heavy duty pallet jacks came in and lifted the two whales of women up and pulled them . There, they were pushed up against a huge crowd of countless men and women who had also been fattened into helpless obesity were now bunched up together like a giant horde of immobile elephant seals, their farts and belches echoing across the beach so loudly that Cindy and Annie were both in shock that they didn't hear it before.

"Enjoy your fun in the sun. We'll be back at sundown to take you to your pen for feeding. Oh! I mean take you back to your suite for dinner." One of the "guides" said with a chuckle.


This story was inspired by a suggestion by Mina.


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