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Rosalie pulled into her childhood home for Thanksgiving. Ever since her dad died the previous year, her mother had been acting rather strange and unstable. Rosalie had suggested they invite the rest of their relatives to the holiday meal, but her mother insisted that it just be the two of them.

The table was already set when she arrived and was filled with enough food to feed a family of ten.

"This is an awful lot for just two people mom." Rosalie said.

"Oh, trust me. This won't seem like much by the time we're done." Her mom responded.

Rosalie sat down and after saying grace, she took a bite of a dinner roll. She was suddenly overwhelmed with hunger pangs and began to ravenously dig into the rest of her food. Rosalie's mother watched with a naughty grin as her daughter threw away all sense of decorum and started climbing onto the table to eat with her bare hands, her mind becoming a blur as it detached itself from its surrounding and focused on nothing but filling her stomach.

When Rosalie finally came back to her senses, she found herself sitting in front of a different table and a different meal. She looked around and realized that she was no longer in the kitchen, but the basement. The room had been redecorated with Disney Princess wallpaper and pink carpeting. In the corner was a large mattress, covered in heavily stained unicorn blankets and pillows. On the wall in another corner was a plasma TV, set to a cartoon channel and was surrounded by pillows, empty soda cans snack food wrappers.

Her gaze returned to the meal in front of her, glazed ham, stuffing, cranberry sauce and countless other foods. She impulsively grabbed the cranberry sauce and began messily eating by hand like a toddler, only stopping herself with great restraint. She suddenly then let out a long, wet fart with no resistance or say so from her mind. She looked at herself in the reflection of a nearby dinner tray. She was grossly obese, with a massive gut, sausage like limbs and fingers that she could barely bend, a triple chin that engulfed her neck, and bulbous breasts that rested on her overstretched belly. Her hair had been styled into pigtails and a the only thing of clothing on her torso was a filthy bib, with her needing an extra string to tie it around her chins. She tried to get up but her body felt too heavy and clumsy too move, her efforts only forcing out another fart into the thickly padded, floral print panties she was wearing around her fat padded, dimpled ass.

She heard a door open and footsteps coming down the stairs.

"How's the first course of your Easter dinner, dear." She heard her mother

"Easter?" She thought with horror.

"What you do mommy?" She struggled to say, as if full sentences was a difficult concept for her now. 

"Oh dear, it seems that the potion had worn off. That old witch lady from down the street warned me about this." Her mother said annoyed. "Ever since your father died, I needed something to focus on to ignore my grief. And I decided what I wanted was my daughter back. And now I have big, cuddly daughter to who I can spend all my time feeding and caring for!"

Rosalie was filled with shock and anger, but her body was unresponsive to her attempts to curse her mother for her actions.

"I know! How about I feed you the rest of your meal? You always love it when you can just sit back and let me fill your hungry belly." Her mother said gleefully.

Her body felt a jolt of glee at her mother's words but Rosalie still tried to run away again, but the most she could do wiggle her legs somewhat, her actions inadvertently pushing out another bout of flatulence. Her body had been regressed and conditioned to be her mother's pampered piglet and it was fighting against her reawakened mind to stay that way. She was doubtful that she had the strength to even stand anymore, let alone run upstairs away from her mad parent.

Rosalie attempted to protest as her mother grabbed a large spoonful of stuffing and spun it towards her lips like an airplane, but all that came out of mouth was a stinky belch before she instinctively held her mouth open for her food.


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