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"Ben I think we should turn back."

"Don't worry, we're almost there. We'll get the supplies fast and be back in the bunker in no time."

Ben and Sherri were part of an underground survival group. Today, the chubby couple had drawn the short straws in who had leave the safehouse and go foraging in the nearby plant covered city.

They walked into a supermarket, previous intel having informed them it was a safe place to gather food, only to find that it was an overgrowth filled with plant zombies. In the middle was a morbidly obese female larder completely entangled in vines, mindlessly gulping down the juices her plant parasite provided and letting out sloppy, gaseous noises. The walkers in the area were eating fruit and drink the juices secreted by the vines and leaves when they noticed the two. Ben and Sherri tried to run, tried to fight, but their chunky bodies were no match for the well built hosts of the powerful plant.

Captured, the walkers stripped them of their clothes and dragged the two to a nearby parking garage. Two of the walkers pulled large seeds from their chests and forced them into their captives' mouths. Almost immediately, countless vines burst from the seeds, both embedding themselves in and around the couple, binding their limbs and rooting to the concrete. The plant began producing copious amounts of thick, sweet tasting juice that caused them to gain more weight at a rapid pace and numbed their bodies into docile helplessness.

The plant that possessed the zombies were originally created by scientists to be a super plant to help end world hunger, growing quickly and producing fruit and juices that held all the nutrients a person needed. However, it's creators were unaware that it was parasitic creature with powerful mind altering abilities. It first took over minds and bodies the scientists who created it and the gardeners, who in turn spread it to countless others and turned  a large portion of America into a foliage covered wasteland. 

Athletic people became "walkers,"  plant zombies who existed to run around in search of new organic life to take over, while overweight people like Ben and Sherri became "larders," stationary beings who help expand the super plant's territory. The super plant perpetually force fed larders and utilized their body waste as food source to help it grow out and cover wide ranges of land, turning the most barren area into a sustenance filled area called an overgrowth where walkers could rest and feed between patrolling.

Ben and Sherri sat across from one another, their immobile bodies rooted to the floor, their numbed bowels letting out massive farts and sharts. Accepting their fates, Ben and Sherri looked lovingly into each other eyes one final time before the plant took them over completely. Soon their minds were overwritten by an all consuming need to eat the pulpy juices the plant provided for them and to continuously make room for more. With two larders occupying the same area, it was only a few weeks before the entire garage and the area surrounding it became a massive overgrowth filled with small army of walkers, making the city too dangerous for anymore scavengers to search for supplies.


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