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Marza was eldest daughter of a noble hunting family. After hearing tales of orcs raiding her country's villages, she devoted her life to hunting down the green skinned savages. So great was her ability at hunting and killing orcs that no other person in all of her kingdom's history had racked up such a large enemy kill count. She became renown by humans and demonized by orcish culture for her actions.

However, one day, an attack on orc raiding party went wrong and ended with her own party dead and her captured. She was dragged to the orc camp, where she was paraded through a crowd of cheering and jeering orc warriors. She just sneered and spat at them as she was taken to the tribe's chieftain.

"Behold! This is the infamous human that has been slaughtering us for years! Now she will answer for her crimes against our people!" He announced to the gathered crowd.

"Enough posturing! Just kill me or torture me to death." She said, refusing to appear frightened at her fate.

"Such an end would bring you great honor for you. It would make you a hero and legend that humans would talk about for generations. Your story will not get such a dignified ending!" The chieftain told her. "Shaman! Bring the Elixir of Motherhood!

The shaman came holding a large horn of of frothing fluid. The guards restraining Marxa held her mouth open as the shaman force the concoction down her throat.

Marxa started convulsing as her body turned a bright green, her nose became like a pig snout, the incisors of her lower jaw grew into large tusks and her ears became long and pointy. She was no longer human, but a filthy orc!

But it was worse. The muscled frame she had developed while hunting orcs was now swelling into obesity. Her flat chest ballooned into large milk filled sacks, her belly was now as big as a barrel and  her tiny waist and buttocks became wide and bulging. Her limbs became bloated and atrophied, unable to move as she fell face down on the ground and flailed about uselessly. She could only lay there like an immobile hog as all the orcs around her pointed and laughed. The chieftain strode behind her and grabbed hold of her fertile, gelatinous butt cheeks. 

"Send messages to the human kingdom of what's become of their great hunter! You have killed countless of our kind and now you will spend the rest of your days replacing them!"  The chieftain declared as he dropped his loincloth and began to mate with her in front of the entire tribe.


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