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Marigold was excited to finally be going to the State University and start getting her degree in science. She had no interest in wild college debauchery and swore that the only places she would go aside her dorm and class would be the library, the food court and the gym to stay in shape.

But when she entered her dorm room for the first time, she saw an incredibly fat girl in skimpy clothing unloading boxes. The back of her jeans, which we almost bursting trying to contain her massive booty, the words "Party Girl" was written in fake rhinestones. 

"Oh!" She said. Hi, I'm Cammie! I guess we're roommates!"

Nine months later...

Marigold was writing a report for her finals, working at a desk and sitting in a rolling chair she could barely fit in. She was now easily over three hundred pounds. She was wearing nothing a damp, sweaty bra and a dingy pair of panties. In her bra and cleavage was a large amount of snacks and writing utensils. She leaned to the side and let loose a loud and sloppy fart.

The constant sight of Cammy made her less conscious about her weight over the past year and and she soon devolved into a slob that was even fatter than her roommate. Still, she had kept her promise to keep her mind on her school work and the only other places beside her dorm room that she visited was the food court and the library (which she had been kicked out of several times due to her farts and burps bothering the other readers.) She occasionally went to the gym, but never did more than lift a five pound weight for a few minutes.

"I'm going to a party being held in one of the boys dorm, I'll be sure to bring you back some pizza and beer!" Cammy said as she walked by.

Marigold just grunted in approval as she left. Nevertheless, she admitted to herself that parties, and having full access to the foods and beers provided at those parties, sounded more fun and maybe next semester she would try to be more outgoing.


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