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On popular road trip routes, buffets and diners lived in fear of being visited by a certain motorcycle gang, but not because of they were violent or destructive. The gang was named the Road Hogs and their appetites were unstoppable.

The gang''s members were made up almost exclusively of obese women, almost a hundred in number. Having grown bored with the food offerings in their various hometowns, they decided that they would travel the country in search of new cuisine. They all drove reinforced three wheeled bikes and each wore denim jeans and leather jackets that were at least a couple sizes too small due to their lifestyle of ceaseless eating causing them to endlessly gain weight.

Whenever they went to a new restaurant, they would often clear the place out of food while trying to fill their collective bellies. All-You-Can-Eat buffets often found themselves losing money on their visits, chefs would nearly collapse from exhaustion trying to keep up with their neverending orders, and other restaurant patrons often left when the large and rowdy crowd of plus sized bikers filled up their favorite eatery.

Once they had stripped the restaurant of every single scrap of food, they took to the road once more until they felt hungry again and repeated the process at whatever food establishment was unlucky enough to be in their path.


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