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Tamara was coming home from cheer leading practice when she saw an old woman trip on a crosswalk and struggle to get up. She rushed over and helped her up and assisted her across the street.

"Thank you, young friend." The old lady said before reaching into her purse and pulling out an old necklace. "Here, as long as you wear this necklace, you will have eternal beauty of the highest quality." 

Tamara accepted the gift and the effect were immediate. Everybody she met was enthralled by her appearance and she quickly became the most popular girl in her high school. 

With no need to put care into her looks, Tamara threw herself into a life of gluttony and hedonism. She happily ate nothing but the most fattening foods and never exercised but she never seemed to gain a pound. She put no effort into grooming herself yet she always looked like a supermodel. Even during cheer leading practice she never seemed to even sweat. With ease, she was given an cheer leading scholarship to the best college in the country.

In her senior year of college, Tamara's cheer team were to perform at the biggest football game of the year. However, Tamara but forgot to tightly secure her necklace for the event. During the halftime performance, the cheerleaders performed their most advanced somersaults and basket tosses. But as Tamara was thrown into the air, the magic necklace flew off of her. Instantly, her svelte body bloated into a obese, stinking blob of woman covered in acne, grease and body hair. 

Her small sized clothes immediately snapped off in mid air and she fell onto two of her teammates. Unused to her true weight and size, Tamara could only lie there and look up towards the sky as she was engulfed in shocked cries from the crowd and disgusted screams from the girls being crushed under her flesh.


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