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The last three months have been a real challenge for me, and I wish it was over, but family issues remain! They probably won't subside until after the holidays. This sucks on many levels as I can't create as fast as I like, nor grow. The issues need to be dealt with. In general, most of you shouldn't notice a change in my general posting, but I can't take commissions or other jobs at the moment.   Speaking of posting, I've made a tweak to the schedule. Sunday and Thursdays remain the Subscriber posting days. I'm moving Cameroons comic to Tuesday and Wednesday should remain bonus posts for Uberfans. Hopefully at the new year when things are calmer, I would like to increase the subscriber comic posts to three times a week. I'll keep you all posted about my schedule.

Now, I'm looking for advice. I know what needs to be done, but how to go about it is mystifying me. I've said it in posts or comments before, one of the three things that can ruin posting adult content is a: Death, Apathy, or a new Relationship.
Well, number 3 is knocking. I met someone and we started dating, and it's going well so far, but she doesn't know about these comics. I need to first find out if she has any interest in the genre of catfights, and then break it to her about what I do here. I have some thoughts on the first part, but I'll take any suggestions about both if you all want to run any past me.  

Just so you all know, she has a kid which seems to me to make things a bit more complicated.   Fire away with any suggestions you have, and stories that may have worked for you! Thanks all!



Ooh, great minds think alike! That was one of my methods to try to at least broach the topic. Thanks!


My God... Personally, tried it twice (telling the truth), didn't work. Be worth millions if I knew answer to this question. All I can do is wish you Good Luck!


It's not like other kinks, as there is violence involved and many women don't like that. It is a risk. Thanks!