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Last month went well: completed my goals for patreon and got the list for sketch coms all done. Not bad. So this month I have a few ideas for the patreon comic but I have some easier stuff to finish first while I noodle out that idea.

Also: Sketch commission streams: going to do two a week for December - Sunday and Wednesday at 1pm PST. (on picarto https://picarto.tv/Icymasamune ) If I feel like I am risking burnout I might cancel one, but I think this is a good chance to see if I can push a little to get ahead on stuff. If I have a stream and there isnt anyone for sketch coms present Ill just work on patreon stuff.

Lets end the year strong yeah?



HOO-RAH you got this! >:O :3


Great Job Icy! thanks for being amazing!