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Poll will go until Saturday, January 16

1. "Barria seems to have reacted to this year's bovine theme in an appropriately lactative manner, but now she's sporting four sources of milky goodness instead of the usual two. Kat would try and help her out, but she's got a pair to deal with, herself. Translation: Barria and Kat as oxen girls, with shaggy hair, long horns, cow ears, tails and four heavily lactating breasts each."

2. "Hmm, I'd love to get a picture of my tomboy Cowgirl, Tess, perhaps in a cow-print themed new years dress or swimsuit (up to you!) Ref: https://planetofjunk.tumblr.com/post/157677970537/continuing-the-oc-summaries-heres-the-cow-girl-i"

3. "Sitting between wide-spread boobs that rise above her head, Stelard looking cutely confused about the giant cow bell attached to a collar around her neck. She's wearing a cow horn hairband too, and is sitting on a bale of hay. The giant boobs spread to either side of her body are hooked up to a milking machine."

4. "You already drew what I would have suggested =p Anyway, mm, maybe a follow up pic to the Noami/Candice one, something sillier like Candice asking Naomi for assistance moving cause she's not strong, and Naomi instantly shutting her down ^^  'You did this to yourself...'"

5. "Well, not only is 2021Year of the Ox, it's specifically Metal Ox. As such, I propose a picture of my "Metal Ox" OC Bel celebrating the new year in Chinese-styled attire, along with her boobwall having best friend Emiko. But what's this? Bel's boobs seem to be swelling up with "good luck" for the new year. https://imgur.com/a/tO7pR6v https://sta.sh/210ib6aifg3l"

6. "I probably late, but I wanted to submit my own cow girl because it's year of the Ox!! https://www.dropbox.com/s/44tujlitg81puob/Photo%20Feb%2022%2C%209%2001%2007%20PM.jpg?dl=0 Sporting a white/brown cowprint swimsuit"

7. "Submission: Cathyl from Monster Musume, she has grown enormous in order to become the best milk producer on the farm, but is now stuck trying to get through some barn doors."



*Moo intensifies*

Ahzi Dahaka

Oops I never thought up an idea to submit. Good luck everyone!