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I am 90% certain I got everyone this time. 

1) "I would love to submit my OC Alyssa to your art poll! She's my Alchemist girl who runs a love shop to help couples looking to spruce up their love lives. However, she's always getting involved in wacky shenanigans XD  

Base Form cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/264487336346255368/696840107780735058/alyssa_tiaga_work_by_overgrowingassets-daj2g31.jpg  

Trying out some wolf girl potions cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/264487336346255368/696840068316528643/WolfAlyssa_Normal.png  

And some bewbs cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/264487336346255368/696840050532417718/YOJNTEBi.jpg cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/264487336346255368/6968401744239002 "

2) "BEGhostwriter's Jessie (http://fav.me/ddulign) pwning some noobs on her computer despite her lap filling bust." 

3)  "Let me try my idea again. https://grandcypher.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/1_TImZ6dl-768x432.jpeg The goddess Yggdrasil from Granblue, green haired varient experiencing a massive boob wall. Embarassed and trying to cover herself up but obviously failing. Maybe even resting atop her chest as it's bigger than even her giant body? (She's tall in the game/show cause she's a goddess)." 

4) "Paige the hyperbuxom halfling archmage-pretending-to-be-a-stage-magician at the fortnightly 'Boob Villain Anonymous' meeting, having her turn to speak about being a boob villain and how she's trying her best to deal with her problem. Not sure who else might be in attendence. Nyx? Naomi?" 

5)  "the Mega Maddie™ piece you did but upside down this time. Maddie trapped under her giant boobs as they gush milk"  https://imgur.com/a/83iWm 

6) "Alright, gonna go for my main OC Liz from https://www.deviantart.com/iliarakantira/art/Your-Average-Morning-833068841  My pitch is either the scene of her in bed asleep, or at the end of the first bit in the story where she's fallen out of her bed."

7) " Just missing Mer-May, how about Biscuit and Gypsysquid's Meri https://twitter.com/GypsySquid/status/1223848562628419584 (top left) being big watery cute doots. Maybe Biscuit being a 'basking shark' and sunbathing on Meri as Meri listens to music :3 "

8)  "How about my oc spoon, https://twitter.com/ArtBoobles/status/1268938141718765568?s=19 She uses potions to keep her breast at a manageable size and she needs to make another reduction potion quick before her true (universe shattering) size is reached "

9) " Since it's KaiJune, let's have a giant Meushi fighting another giant lady at the beach, both wearing swimsuits. " (Possibly Biscuit)

10) " I've got a catgirl named Azalea whose bust size is always growing or shrinking over the course of hours at a time.  Because of this, she has to wear pretty stretchy clothes, but even then she has to keep an extra top handy when she heads out, just in case.  Would be cute to see her trying to swap tops while inside a public restroom or something.  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/439642523292401664/718900861576937542/Glub_Azalea_001_Colors.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/439642523292401664/718901102434582577/ZDemian_Azalea_001.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/439642523292401664/718901132042436608/ahzicatgirlcoffee.png "



To clarify, it would be a boob wall transformation using bubble gum for Alyssa XD. Thank you for the post!


*votes* Ok this is gonna be a close one x3

Ahzi Dahaka

When your own vote puts your submission in the lead P: Seriously though, good luck everyone. Some real contenders in here.


Also Meri not Mari, but not important :B


You tell me!, I hope you apologised to her =p


ahzi for sure. also ghostwriter image link is broken. but yeah i like the story, idea of and manageability of ahzis idea, especially because its right up the icymasamune art direction. and feel icy would be able to make the most of that one out of all the others.

Ahzi Dahaka

The closing parenthesis got included in the URL is what happened. http://fav.me/ddulign should work.