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Submissions that include my characters, or NEU characters in general, will go into the Demonesu subjects poll for the sake of fairness - this way they are not voting against other people's OCs, Character designs, or fanart. You can put your  submission here or send me a note directly. If you are worried I might forget your submission you gave me directly I encourage you to harass me before the poll goes up so I don't have a chance to forget.

Remember that this poll is for illustrations for February.

Deadline for submissions will be Wednesday the 16th of January. 

All $5 and up tier patrons time to start submitting your choices for the Month's Patron Poll. You can either comment here or send me a note (whichever you feel most comfortable with). Each Patron at this tier gets to make their own submission choice and it can be as specific or vague as they like, but there are a few restrictions:

1) For the sake of consistency and time submissions may be simplified if the topic is too complex for a single image illustration, or contains a large number of characters and elements. Basically the more realistic on the complexity the closer I will be able to get to finish it according to the schedule. Splash scenes of every character in a franchise is probably not a single month project, realistically.

2) NSFW, SFW, pinups, action scenes, all are fine. But sexualization of non-consenting characters is prohibited. This means no rape, children, mind control, coercion, or abuse.

3) No scat.

4) OCs are fine, encouraged even, so long as I have permission by the creator/owner to draw them and within the context of the image. If someone clearly doesn't like their character being drawn in a specific kind of scene, I won't draw it.

5) IP and franchise characters I am way more flexible with. In general I prefer not to draw them outside what is proper context for the character, but so long as it doesn't break the restrictions on content, everything should be ok.

And finally, its completely ok to basically hedge in a "design a character" option or something other than what I am expecting.


Trey MW

How about a chocolate slime girl? Based on those Valentine’s chocolates that come in the big heart-shaped box.

Ahzi Dahaka

Agnes Oblige and Edea Lee from Bravely Default are trying out the Milkmaid Asterisk when they discover that Milkaga is one hell of a spell. Agnes finds this "Unacceptable!" but Edea seems more receptive to the results... Busts can be anywhere from twice the size of their heads to boobwalls, it's all good.