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Although I think the winners for the monthly poll might be pretty well locked in at this point it would not be the first time something has snuck ahead at the last second so I haven't really gestured too many ideas for the patron poll winners for next month. I have been doodling some other ideas for illustrations though: including a family photo for Saburo's goblin+minotaur family, a slime princess idea based on Will and I taking jabs at our own characters, and something for year of the rat coming up.

Anyways a collection of WIPs that I still might tinker with considering we still have some time left in the month. WIPs for comic projects will start in January: I want to start some NEU stuff, Will and I are continuing with a new NEU comic and Ill be doing Barria's story in pages here, and I want to start on the smug goth at some point also. We will see how things go time-wise.

I could probably be compiling these into single WIP sheets. Maybe next time.




So many promising things as ever ;w; Fam photo aaa ;o;


Yeah i'd still like to get approval for that one before I get too far on it, but there are some ideas I really want to get to next month for illustrations here.