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" The Takara sisters care about two things: their younger sister Tama and proving which of them is the better big sister. When Tama expresses a personal desire; the twins will stop at nothing to prove who is really the best sister and able to make her wishes come true. Knowing when to stop has never really been in either of their skill sets, however. "

Full comic is in the attachments below.

I'd really like to thank all of you for your support while I worked on this; I have been picking at this project for nearly a year and I really hope it was worth the wait. Please enjoy and I will start some NEU comic pages soon... after I nap for like a week.

(I will also be posting it up on the Gumroad for NEU comics as well for non-patrons. This is, of course, a patron reward and I will be making the comic free to download sometime in the future but for now its patron content in exchange for all your support and patience)




That's a remarkable resemblance to Lessien, there. All that's missing is the hair clip. XD


Congratulations, Icy. Enjoy your sleep.


That's a very crazy story :3

Ahzi Dahaka

Oh my stars and stripes that is incredible work.


Glorious :3 Great work, earnt that rest ten-fold ;w; I now see those were sponges, not tree stumps =p And she really not clock it was their doing?, or she being deliberately coy about it all =p


Yee yee yee to the yee. Gaze upon your work, ye mighty, and despair. Or rejoice. And rejoice? Whatever, Tama's cute as fuck.


This is amazing 😍 great work!


This inspires me to write some comics so much!


I've been waiting for this for so long! ;w; I, unfortunately, had unsubbed just yesterday, I need to reduce my outgoings again for a bit. I'll be back in a couple of months though! I love your work so much!

Chet Rippo

This is just what I needed, thank you!


Adorable and awesome work... totally worth the wait


Congratulations Icy! Way to go!