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I survived November! Hurrah! I'm a little numb from the stress release - the whole deflated balloon sensation when you get through something. So what's in store this month?! Well obviously moving all the extras I didn't get to last month into this one:

Patreon stuff: poll winners are "Chifusa boobdocking with Barria" and "Naomi immobilized by her boobs while out for a run". I'm learning my lesson from this and not including anything involving my own characters on the 'other subjects' poll at all; basically if any NEU character is involved its gotta go on the Demonesu poll. For fairness!

Twins comic is on its last bits. Once that's done Ill be taking a break from large comics and either start single page releases on a couple stories (Goblin or Barria probably).

Other Stuff: Barria steps need to get done. 

Drawing Dao is going on the optionals to do list along with the Candice and Naomi workout because I wanna draw those for myself.

Because I neglected a MonHun NEU option in the polls, I'll add that to optionals if it doesn't get put on the polls this month. It's been asked for a lot but barely manages to get beat out, and this last time it was part of my fumbling the poll options.

Some more character design work for the story I am making illustrations for.

And of course a new icon for December. Honestly its kind of a relaxed month.



Naomi: "Losing some body fat will tighten up your skin some, and lift your boobs to greater prominence." Motivation done :p


Its a good feeling, getting stuff done. Good luck in December, and stay warm!


Yay stuff, but also do December Christmas personal home things like everyday folk and enjoy the holiday season =w=