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Patron poll winner of Lina Inverse loosing control of a bust enhancing spell. I feel like I should have more to say about this one than I do? The outfit is an amalgamation of her three main outfits for no reason whatsoever, and I kind of feel like not including her canonical size may damage the narrative of it a bit: I was a little focused on trying to get the style to look appropriate and got a little lost along the way (I would have preferred to use my current shading style, but thought more of a cell shaded look would fit thematically... I have very mixed feelings about the result). Lots of help and feedback on this one from good art friends.

She's saving the HD version below for anyone interested.




Sometimes things don't need explaining :3 good goofy BE ^^

Ahzi Dahaka

I think it's turned out fine! Lina Inverse is clearly who she is--the outfit is still very much her style even if it's an amalgamation. Not having the canonical size is alright because Lina's A-cup angst is a well-known trait of hers--that is, if someone doesn't know that about Lina Inverse, they probably don't know about her anyway so that whole aspect of the image would be elusive anyway. Regardless, though, I absolutely love it and I am sooooo glad I submitted the idea for the poll. My only lament is that I can't very well suggest it again!


I think this is wonderful! Three poses is always the nice, perfect number for a growth sequence.