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There is a few things that Twins has taught me: one is that, working on comics by myself that are long format and still taking care of responsibilities both in patreon and the rest of my life, leads to a long completion time.  This got me thinking about ways to handle this in the future.

Obviously when working on comics with other people (such as working with Will on NEU stuff); the shared workload always leads to faster results and is something I need to do more often. But also that I may need to avoid doing 20+ page comics on my own until, at least, I have the support to focus more of my time every week on them.

What I am considering is working on comics in smaller blocks, if not smaller chapters entirely. either 8-12 page chapters or doing 4 page blocks to be released more regularly to all patrons.

I like the idea of more regular pages for patreon. That seems fun. But considering how badly I messed up polls this month, I may still need to work on my stability and time management.


Stelard Actek

Releasing a few pages at a time seems like a good idea. ZDemian releases a single page at a time most of the time, after all. It does potentially put pressure on you to work in sequence, though, I guess? If you do anything like this tho, please consider posting the completed thing all in one block at the end. :)

Ahzi Dahaka

Absolutely feel free to do comics in smaller chunks. If anything, getting a bit of it at a time helps build suspense and keep interest anyway.


i think id be happy to wait for quality content rather than rushing or keeping to a demand. i personally support you for you and not just your art. and if life gets in the way of art progress so be it. but other people might not feel the same way by the looks of it. both sides of this have its pros and cons. do what makes you comfortable and id be happy.


Smaller chunks might be better for ya, so ya don't go mad =w= If that works better for ya then do eet :3