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You know that thing where I say I am going to post on a day and then just saying that pushes me to finish what I was working on faster so I post the night before anyways?

That again.

So, while I have been having a hard time designing boob goblins for myself, I have had two instances of designing boob goblins for other people: the first is for the fantasy story designs I posted earlier (I have more designs I am working on for that project to get to this month once the patreon illustrations and comic are done), and then this one:

SaburoX and Gypsy challenged me to design a boob goblin for a specific situation and this was what I came up with. Depending on if she gets used I will have more information to share, as well as whatever her final name becomes - but for now I call her Lemon.

Sab and Squid get credit for inspiring and directing me to make this design.



Ahzi Dahaka

Aw geez now I'm curious what this situation she was made for was.


D'aw good gobbo ;w; The hoodie is a great idea x3


I wish to do a 'slowly back up to her so we're back to back and somehow hug with our booties in the way but we pull it off anyway'.


Gerbliiiiiiiiiiiinz! These are HIGHLY DANGEROUS levels of cuteness.


Awww, she is so cute!