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October was good! There was some extra stuff I would have liked to have gotten done, but considering everything that was completed I should probably not beat myself up over not getting enough EXTRA work finished. Gotta stop doing that.

Last month's poll winners are Kat and Barria Car Wash (out of season, but something warm weather themed might be just the thing to help people who don't enjoy the colder seasons), and Lina Inverse going overboard with BE magic.

Twins comic has base inks done so I just need to do a pass to get the dialogue an background characters worked in, then either work on tones or color depending on which route I decide to take. Colors was my original intention, and while tones would be faster I don't know if people would prefer that.

As for extra things to try and do: Naomi trying to get Candice to exercise has come up a few times and I want to do that one for myself. Barria steps, of course (the bonus steps have been put off way too long and I want to get the full set finished), and the goblin character design (who I need to complete for a comic idea anyways).

The idea of doing a overfed Thanksgiving Barria sounds like fun, so if I get all my obligations completed for Patreon I might see about how I can work something along those lines into the month.


Ahzi Dahaka

This is going to be a great month.


Barria such a fatty fat, always eating -w- if she's overstuffed maybe she can join in the exercising pic :B