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So, first order of business. While I try and close up shop over on tumblr I will be making an archive of all my old work and splitting it into two libraries:

the Clockwork Tower library: the general portfolio art, character design, illustration, Shadowlark, and so forth.

And the Demonesu library: pretty much exclusively the fetish art and stuff related to it.

I want to get the archives put together and post them here before the end of the month (year). As well as the monthly art dump I normally do.

Submissions for the next patreon poll will be posted for that tier soon, just want to iron out a few things still.

Patreon Illustrations, a couple of commissions, and the Barria growth drive will also be taking up some time this month as well as continuing the comics that, honestly got derailed the last week or so with me freaking out about tumblr (which has traditionally been where I pull in most of my commissions from - so moving away from it is freaking me out a little, but is also a good lesson in not investing too heavily in a platform like that).

I may have bitten off more than I can chew for this month, but I really want to make some headway on getting the income together to afford some proper art tools (tablet). 

Also, HI NEW PEOPLE. Without Tumbes this will likely be the first place I post anything rather than blog posts. I will have galleries elsewhere but update them on a specific schedule. Also means that after the new year I will probably be posting more individual illustrations than just collections.

I think that's it? Ill probably have a ton more to say later on. Just still a little overwhelmed with what I have to work on to set up galleries. I very much underestimated how much work it was going to take to gut tumblr and set up new galleries.


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