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or not. If there is only one option it gets real easy to vote and plan out what illustrations I need to add to my worklist.

Speaking of! I currently have two patreon illustrations to do: the cat and cow brawl and the spooky silverbells: I already know what to do for both of these so I just have to do it.

Both Shadowlark and Barria One are thumbnailed and roughs started (Ill be putting up some Barria thumbnails for tier2 and repost the shadowlark and divine bust thumbnails for everyone later this month).

Unfortunately (for me) I also really need to consider doing some commission slots. Patreons always get first shot at them so let me know if you are interested - but I also need to setup a new price sheet on account of my last one being made something like five years ago.

Also I guess I am doing a Barria growth drive? Basically I need to do some extra paying work so I can get a replacement tablet. Long story and the one I am using is still holding in there, but last minute is a bad time to try and afford what you need to work.

Also. I woke up to the news that Stan Lee passed away and I am still unpacking that.



Let's see, so this'll come out in December so... Candice dressed up as santa giving out BE cupcakes (or some other baked good with BE quality) for great snuggles.


You should probably post this here <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/november-poll-22539048">https://www.patreon.com/posts/november-poll-22539048</a> in the suggestions post comments, so it's easier for Icy to keep track of.