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Submission reminders are like. Just a part of every weekly update now I guess.

Last minute submissions for the October reward poll!

Other stuff is the normal things: working on the NEU comic. Cleaning up Shadowlark script (kind of still wrestling with the idea of doing the comic in black and white again to make it more fun for me personally). This month's art dump is probably going to include a bunch of gestures and character redesign sketches for SLS as I have been changing some character concepts to update them a bit.

Although I still have backgrounds to finish on a final commission, and have other projects to complete, I am debating the idea of commission slots next month. I would personally rather make progress on comics and do another NEU (either go back and finish Divine Bust or work on Tower's Punishment Game) as well as get started on the Patreon Barria comics and Shadowlark Symphony. Commissions are an enticing way to work on getting the funds for a tablet. I'll have to think it over a lot still, and I won't know for sure how things sit until we finish and release Variety Pack.



I think black and white is probably the way to go for SLS, especially if it makes the comic more fun for you.