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Art dump comes almost a full week early this time and after a pretty rough period (Is the Sunday posts working? should I just put it at the end of the month? feels like if its on the last day people might miss it if they have to cancel their pledge and I would rather not have someone miss out on a month they paid for). On the other had I was able to launch the first NEU comic this month, so I can't be to angry with myself. There is the matter of Shadowlark not resuming like I had wanted it to: but all things considered I would rather put that off for a couple more weeks to make sure I have some actual material than rush it when I am not firing on all cylinders.

As I said earlier in the month; the next NEU comic will be started soon (I have to work on Shadowlark thumbnails first). And the patreon reward from the last poll is taking a while mostly because I allowed commission work to back up while I was feeling unwell. Don't worry though, it's just delayed a bit: Patreon rewards are still a high priority because I consider them paid work (it's what they are afterall, a sort of group funded commission).

THAT REMINDS ME REMEMBER TO VOTE OKAY. Seriously you guys love to keep these things neck and neck all the time and the vote tallies are really close on this one still too.

Aside from that I don't have a whole lot else to say: NEU and Shadowlark scripting isn't a lot of doodles to show, but is a necessary part to comics. I'd like to have more illustrations, but commissions and rewards are coming along (most of the current being decent practice work for coloring and line art too - which is fantastic).

The next join comic between Will and I for the NEU is also being worked out; we have an idea of what to do next but need to tie it together into a good script idea. I'll share some of what we have in mind once we start getting that all worked out.

Uhm. Really even with my problems this time things have been continuing a pace and the support from everyone has made a huge difference. So thank you everyone! Here is to making this progress count and having more to show next month (oh man if I could get a comic done every month or two yeeeee~!).



I'm glad you're here. I'm glad to know you. Posting the pole in as many places as I can!