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Kind of a burnout week for me this last week. Struggling to get up to date on commissions, but luckily the comic pages got finished before the end of the month (and Will's part is almost entirely done already as well) so that should be on track. With the first NEU "intro" comic out of the way that mostly leaves the next month entirely for Shadowlark and whatever side project for NEU I want tos tart on. Once I finish commissions of course.With any luck the NEU comic will see enough interest that it can supplement some of my commission work and I can focus on more comics again.

Unfortunately the art dump feels a bit light. It's good that I had a lot of comic work finished, and its not like I didn't get any illustrations done. But a lot of what is in this  month's artdump is just gestures for upcoming commissions, some illustrations that were posted, and random doodles.

Every month is a step forward though!

Also remember to vote on the patron poll for next month's illustration if you haven't yet!!



Really loved some stuff in here.