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Happy weekly update day! ok these character design pages are getting bigger all the time. There is a zip file with all of the design work I have done so far on the character attached to this post. Most of this stuff has been posted already as I was working on her design (which I am still not 100% satisfied with).

Tower is going to be the central character on a later NEU comic - the host of a webcast who plays up a persona as a sort of main villain of a show where the cast members compete in various video game challenges and the looser has to undergo some kind of punishment game or dare. Tower herself almost never looses a game, and serves as the diabolical antagonist of the show - which is of course all an act: Tower herself is actually a sweet person who takes care to never include a punishment the people involved don't agree to, and always makes sure to resolve conflicts and keep her cast mates happy.

Of course this doesn't take away from the fact she is irritatingly constantly winning. Which is exactly the sort of thing that would attract attention from the chaotic paranormal elements of the NEU.




I really dig her and wish to write fanfic.