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I'm not sure if I'll finish this one some day or not, but I think I'll move on for now




Omg I love this you've gotta finish it!


Oh !


I know both monika and yuri looks alike especially when monika let's her hair down, but this looks more like monika than yuri. Maybe I crave monika arts so much I dunno. Still, do whatever you feels like it raion!


I think it always shoes how much attention is given. Yuri's middle part of her bangs is always way longer than Moni. The side bangs are longer as well, as Moni's doesn't even reach her breasts. I always draw Yuri's chin and jaw sharper as well give her slimmer eyes. Of course the last two points are harder to notice on this piece, but it's easy to see with the easter drawing I did this year. And lastly I just think it is boring to give the girls the same expression over and over again... Yuri is not the only shy 100%, Moni isn't the only one owning overknees and so on. Sorry if it ssounds like a rant, I already felt so unbelieveable frustrated with this piece


First of all, sorry if my comment looks like nitpicking your art. I, as a person who do not give as much attention to details you described, do not always notice the subtle details, not to mention I look at your art for less than 1 minute (I am always in a hurry, you know I have a little one keep bugging me) which I can't catch all the details. Also, I do not treat your comment as rant. Even if it is I think it is normal, especially when you give so much attention to details. Instead now I feel bad for not noticing the details haha Once again, if you feel really frustrated you can always stop at a point. I will say it again even if it is art of moni, because you are not obligated to draw and you can take breaks if you need to. I know we all here have paid but imo your mental state matters more than your art raion.


Thank you for understanding and your support over all the years! Again sorry if my frustration of this artwork got the better out of me, but I already moved on from this drawing and drew another piece. It really was just YuYu giving me some troubles here, but I wanted to share it either way.


Yeah, the problem for having a pair of big jugs x) Also, thank you for drawing delicious monika arts! I don't know if you remember but I still have your Monika Kofi coffee art as my phone wallpaper =) Your art skill gets better over time but that fanart is irreplaceable for me!