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So I've been thinking long and hard on how and when to start doing custom videos. 

I've come to the conclusion that I'm not ready to start just yet. Mainly due to a lack of time.

I have a ton of catfight animation ideas that I'd like to release and I've barely been able to scratch the surface.  I work a 9 to 5 full time so I have to ration my animation time.

I don't think I'd be able to do customs and work on my own catfight animations at the same time successfully.

So my thinking now is i'd like to get more full animation releases under my belt, then for a couple months at a time, work on custom animations and devote my full attention to them.

Optimistically, by the Summer i should have a good number of finished releases and I would do customs then.

Apologies for any disappointment on this.



I understand and I think you made the right decision. With your attention to detail, it will be very time consuming to do customs, so it would be great to have some already lined up for this site


I’m good with whatever you put out. It’s fantastic stuff. But I’ll pay good money for a custom.