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Here are the results with the new system! This is how the current situation would look like with the old one: OLD 

As expected, Nicole is still a very popular choice but she wasn't doing too good, because there was always some better pick, however with this system we can see the whole spectrum of things and look at Ember – she sure is a very popular one – though people really wanted the Spa Ponies, so it made it look like there is not too much interest in her.

On the other side of things we can see that Jewel is doing a bit better, but since she was always at the end there was a ton of better picks, so she never was able to get much points, therefore she was always at the end with the rest.

Callie got hit pretty hard and this is the only thing I'm not sure about. She was slowly gaining points every month, climbing the chart with baby steps. With few more months, she would actually get a chance to win. The current system smashed her hard to the ground and by looking at this chart, I guess we can tell, that it's very unlikely she will ever win, there is too much better options to give her any chance and same goes for Sly.

But the fact that she was going up in the old system basically shows that there is someone who wants to see a pic with her and they were working to make it happen and in the old system, they actually got a chance to do it at some point, while the new one will never allow her to win I guess. I mean, yeah, the system works, it showed up that people aren't interested in these particular characters, but it makes me feel bad for these who were trying to make them win.

I know that it is completely fine, but I always think about the little ones. The old system gave them chance, however, is it the right thing to do? Making only one guy happy while no one else is interested in a particular character? Someone is paying to get the ability to vote... but so is everyone else, so the one guy getting a pic is basically everyone else not getting theirs, though, the one guy had to work many months to push his character, while everyone else can make anyone win in a single month and they already got many pics, so it feels like a nice balance after all. As I have no doubts that socialism is bullshit that will never work when it comes to politics, I feel like it's not always that bad in micro scale – I feel like asking people to maybe sacrifice it once every few months, so the little ones could get their favorite pics too doesn't feel that bad.

Idk, I still feel that the new system is much better, there is much more pros to it and pretty much just that one single con.




Hey I'm fine with the new system blatantly showing Callie as unpopular. Cut her from the poll if she is performing so overwhelmingly bad that you think she doesn't belong. I mean, I'm surprised she isn't more popular, but maybe I am just a few years older than the rest of your patrons. It's cool. Thanks for the effort put into preserving her but the people have spoken...me and my 5 or 6 months of effort can accept that she just isn't given the credit she is due. Not gonna strong arm anyone into something they don't want.