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Vote time!






A suggestion to make the votes a little more active....what if a voting format existed where we could choose our top 3s? First vote gets 3 points, second 2, third 1....that way truly inactive characters could be easily weeded out and replaced. Format for victory is first to 30 points. If a month happens that no character hits 30, then either we hold a second polling or the artist gets a month of free creations....something to prevent you from burning out and always being obligated to us....


That's so called borda count system. We were using it before the monthly cumulative scores. I wonder why I ditched it though... I guess we could bring it back, I don't see how it will conflict with the cumulative scores, since we always have 9 participants, so the top pick gets 9 points. The only problem would be that it's going to generate huge numbers, but I don't see becoming a popular artist with 200 of patrons anytime soon, so it's fine. This would greately reduce the disappointment factor I'd say, because you are always giving a whole spectrum, instead of a single pick, you are pushing much more characters, so even if your favorite will eventually get removed from the poll, it's not going to feel like you just wasted 5 months of votes, because you still assigned a lot of points to other characters, so you still got a chance to make an impact. I guess we could try it next month – I need to figure out an efficient and automated way to count the score first. Then I guess the only solution is to remove the bottom character every X months, but maybe the characters should always keep their scores and only reset it back to 0 when they get a pic drawn, so maybe they could get a second chance in the future or something. A static point threshold is not a good idea, because we don't have a static amount of voters. I need to be obligated, that's my most important motivation to get things done. I want to introduce more tiers soon, with some sketch rewards or something, just to push myself to finish more drawings – there is no better motivation than a deadline. Also, after all because of the poll I drew a lot of characters I wouldn't draw otherwise, so it rather helps to not get burned out, otherwise I would probably be at 80th pic of Rainbow Dash.


Kavinsano did a Callie Briggs and I am semi satisfied now. Would you like to remove her for being "inactive" and if that't the case, could I move my vote over to Fidget? Unless of course I didn't vote for Callie this month....I honestly can't remember....


I don't have any way to verify it at this point – the form is not collecting anything besides the vote, but there is one vote for her this month. She is still higher than others though. We'll see next month when the old system will be introduced.