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Woo, I really like this so far! I was inspired by Skygrace's work lately and wanted to draw some sci-fi themes with nice perspective going on. I didn't really captured it well as I wanted  but I still like the results so far. Does she look Krystal enough though? Idk, the original look of her is so ugly :x 




If by original, you mean strait off the N64, yes she could use at least twice as many polygons in her rendering. If you mean ugly like some of Doomthewolf's HD revists/remasters, then politely, get your eyes checked. All snide remarks aside though, she looks pretty good featured above. Perhaps a little more modern-esque than her original motif fell into, it is still quite good. Innocent, erotic, fluffy, and just a little thicc in the thighs...what have we to complain about?