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They took him to the hospital today. I thought that we will clean the house a bit and I'll be able to get back to drawing but my mother got a phone call. My father passed away few hours ago.

I just realized how pathetic piece of shit my family is... I should feel relief but I'm in even more stress right now when I think that I have to take care of the funeral and all the paperwork and my fucking family will do everything to make it as bad as possible... 

I already feel how I and my mother will become the worst element of the family... I already hear them throwing shit at us because we didn't met their fake and pathetic standards. I didn't expect it at all to be honest.

A man died and everyone is already calling us to tell us how much money we have to spend on what and how every detail of the funeral should look like – that's the most fucking important thing – the fucking amount of money you are going to spend on the coffin – excuse me, but could I decide myself of what the funeral of my own father will look like and how much money I have to spend for fucks sake? I'm probably going to break every single contact with any of my family member tomorrow and invite only my father's friends for the funeral, because I won't be able to stand these pathetic clowns pretending they care.

I won't be able to draw anything for few next days obviously. I'll try to take care of everything ASAP.



I'm sorry you have to go through all of this. I wish you well.


that sounds awful just tell them to fuck off your the one who's handling it


I am sorry for your loss. Please take care as best you can.

Eddie Murphy

This is a terrible situation :-( You take all the time you need, and I hope things get better for you.