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I appreciate what has been said. I'm glad there are people who know the drill and hearing that someone who's not into porn comes here and even gives me financial support is a huge win, because this is what I feel about the art porn "industry".

Pornographic content is exclusively considered bad, perverted and disgusting  by most people, If you say "I like porn" people will be disgusted, because what they see in their minds right now is you, in front of  PornHub, jerking off – that's what porn is but I believe you can make pornographic content that has a value more than that, that you can create porn that won't be welcome on PornHub, because it would be considered boring there.

I basically want to show people a different side of erotic imaginery. I know that erotic art is a huge thing in art and it's considered a beautiful art by many but I'm focusing just on "fandom art" right now. In this community there are really few pieces which have more value than random fap-content. This is a community where people are buying dakis, plushies or dolls just so they can masturbate and fuck them in their bedrooms. There are people printing pictures, because they want to cum on them, dreaming about fucking their favorite characters – this bullshit is what many people hate, this is why you can see so many jokes about furries being weird perverts and it's true – because this is a common thing in such community. People are degrading pornography to the lowest level of most primitive instincts.

I guess what I would like to do is to aim at the people who doesn't like it. I can't satisfy perverts I guess but I want to show other people who explicitly connects porn with perversion and disgusting primitive behaviors that it doesn't have to look like this and you can enjoy pornographic content if it's done the proper way. That you can put value even in a MLP porn piece.

Even if you don't think about it at all, your presence here is a sign that I may be doing the right thing – people who doesn't care about porn came here to watch my stuff and considered it worth their money which is amazing.

Making financial income from such activity is a whole new story though. I believe there are enough people out there that seeks such content but it's a huge minority. There's a one guy appreciating my work and 1000 potential new ones if I would go the "mainstream porn path".

I'm aware that my content changed a lot and I can't see new people coming here, because for every new follower there are 50 lost ones. Question is if I can survive it? People always say "do what you love!" or even "do what you love and money will come itself" – that's nice but we are not in a Disney movie, I can't call the energy company and say: "please don't cut my electricity, I'm doing what I love, so I've lost half of my followers and nobody wants to buy my stuff anymore, so I have to wait for new ones to come and I'll pay my bills then".

It's bullshit that you have to love what you do to make money – just look at YouTube for example – hundreds of mass produced channels by companies like "FIVE FACTS YOU DIDN'T KNOW!", "TOP TEN...", "10000000000000000 DEGREE KNIFE EXPERIMENT" etc. and all this to get the hell out of ads and nobody gives a fuck about this content. It's mostly garbage or obvious things everyone who has at least half of their brain already knew. Look what pieces you can find on Derpibooru with thousands of upvotes and amazing art with a score below 100. I could even throw you a list of names of artists that are doing it on purpose. There are a lot of tricks to suck money from people like YCH auctions for example – why doing a commission for $150 if you can draw the same for $1000? You just have to analyze the market and shape your content correctly – that's the easiest way to make money and sometimes it may be the only way. Having a product won't help you if you don't know how to sell it and while selling trending bullshit is easy and obvious, then selling quality stuff is hell of a challenge.

It's like that everywhere, in every industry – a new EDM hit making millions can easily be like 10% skills and 90% of marketing and promotion and you can't bypass it, the only way is to find a good balance of what people expect and what you want to provide, unless you are just after money...

It's hard... you know when you see numbers in your account getting close to 0 or even below it, it's hard to not think "maybe I should consider running that Rainbow Dash porn blog I was thinking about earlier..."

In this place I have to say thank you to all my patrons, because patreon is the only thing that allows me to create stuff right now. That small amount of income covers the most important bills right now. Amazing times we live in, as something like that five years ago seemed like a distant future.

Anyway, I'd better get back to work, this message is long enough. Thank you for your time.



Ah, I saw this post right after I finished my comment on the other post. I don't know if it was clear, but I definitely came for the earlier art (non-porn when you seemed to resist drawing it) and love it the most. I like to see artists' work evolve and even though I cherish the older art, I don't mind seeing the new (even if it is porn, just not my preference). I understand exactly what you are saying in this post and agree for the most part. There are a ton of people that will only stay as fans/support for a specific type of content....no changing that and it makes things tough. What you have described here for what you have in mind "I basically want to show people a different side of erotic imaginery." I would like to see this and where it goes/takes you. I will continue to wish you the best of luck regardless of what you decide to do. Sadly I don't really have any more recommendations as I've never been in the position artists are. Boosted my pledge up to re-inforce that I will be sticking around :)


Hey dude I may be one of the late patreons but I'm not budging any time soon. I first saw your art a while back and the first thought in my head genuinely was that is awesome ( think it was a pony with two blue flame swords). So I looked more into your art and saw all the explicit pics and I didn't think 'oh look more porn' I actually thought 'wow these are also awesome but they are well... beautiful' I loved the colour scheme the general style and the tease as it was. I've always enjoyed your art and style, as to me you are getting the message across that its not just porn its an art. Right now top of my screen it says 'Omi is creating Sexy Art' and that you are! I can see from your past pieces that you are developing more and I am still enjoying it all. Art is subjective in my eyes, I am no art expert. you either love it or despise it. A example is connected to the MLP fandom is the episode when Cadence and Shining go to see a friends art exhibition and he shows the '100 nights in a dark hallway'. I bet 1 person would consider that art even though its just a black canvas ,so yeah art can be subjective. But you do make good art and the sight of you develop over time is awesome, and I do look forward to seeing all of your future ideas. I support just you currently because I feel like you have a lot of potential ( don't ask how I just have a gut feeling) and I want to see it. So if I can help by making a creative mind worry less about bills and concentrate more on what they enjoy and want to show the world so be it. Like I said I am not budging soon.